View Full Version : Grief System

06-25-2003, 10:34 AM
Sorry to whomever I've said anything about how in the heck you get grief too.

If you are a competitive player who actually tries you will get grief, its a fact of sacrificing stupid people that get in the way of your fire. Now that I'm using vehicles and much more powerfull guns I'm getting a lot more grief. I got up to 637 last night. I don't know how I got that high in only 2 hours but I did, I don't think i even remember that many people running in front.

Revisions I think are needed for the game:

-lower grief for vehicle pilots (I know I've run out in front of a few because lots of times the vehics move so fast you don't see them coming and they CANT stop in time)


higher grief allotments, those of us that play a lot get a lot of it.

Also what is with the fricken MULTIPLIER, at lower grief I get like 10 grief per kill, but the higer I go I get near 65 grief per kill.

06-25-2003, 10:38 AM
For each hit you do it increases. If you hit a new person then it starts from low and increases. I get more Grief from glitches in the game, such as being hit in the back which gives me 15 each time. The highest I have gotten on the Grief is 300, and thats mainly cause I was lagging through a wall of people who kept on trying to get behind me, but ended up being ran over.

Spinning Hat
06-25-2003, 10:41 AM
It's to stop TKers, and griefers, who like to cause people tons of trouble. Normally, it's Manageable to handle all the grief you acumulate, but you DO need to be somewhat careful, especially at higher grief levels.

Kind of like with Slayer and I in the Vangaurd incident, we have very high grief right now, but it IS slowly coming down. We're just more careful who we TK. :lol:

06-25-2003, 11:13 AM
I've noticed that at higher levels of grief, what used to be a +1 penalty will be significantly increased. I did a little testing on the Emerald server :D

I haven't personally had any issues with grief since I don't drive any vehicles and I don't use plasma based weapons.

06-25-2003, 11:17 AM
I'm sure I'm the only one who will say this, but I'm quite fine w/the grief system now. It's all about being more cautious. I have yet to see my grief leave the 200's. I do play quite a bit and also get plenty of kills. I don't do much vehicle driving besides the AMS, though, and I know that you can be a bit more prone to grief when driving some of the assault vehilces.

You just have to know how to pick your battles, where you're going to drive, etc. etc. based on what you have. If you're going to drop a thumper round in a crowd then you should except to get some grief... and deserve it. Honestly, though, so much has to do with how much you try. You *CAN* manage to keep your grief low and still be quite effective.

06-25-2003, 02:05 PM
Just stay away from the Thumper plasma nades in the hamster hole and you'll be ok.

I got 1,009 grief last Sunday and my weapons went into lock for 5 minutes each time I hit a friendly.

I agree that there are plenty of times when it's acceptable to just mow down everyone in the whole room to accomplish a task, as in any war, people are expendible. To resecure a base or to take one it might be the only option.

There is another post on here that states you loose like 140 grief in 24 hours, so just be careful and in a few days it'll be back to normal.

Oh and yes, as you get above 600 you get more grief for the same instances. Like normally you hit a friendly you'd get +10, but as you get higher it'll do like +100. That's when you should back off and go play ANT run boy. ..... lol

Spinning Hat
06-25-2003, 03:53 PM
Or just go play on another server.... :D