View Full Version : 1 vs 100

12-02-2009, 07:39 AM
Gryph, Stang and I played last night and I haven't laughed that hard since the Falcons went to the sidelines for Tacos against Silver.

The Uranus question was the best. :lol:

12-02-2009, 03:51 PM
Haha yeah :D

12-02-2009, 04:24 PM
lol ya that was lots of fun. I loved it when all of us read that question and all at the same time laughed. Looking forward to doing more.

Silver needs to come play and beat us all cus you know he'd get every question right :p. Or Fate needs to bump that Dane guy off so she can come play with us :D. Or any of you ATFers for that fact.

12-02-2009, 05:32 PM
i don't mean to brag or anything but i am pretty good at this game :3