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Shoddy 05-06-2003 02:19 PM

What do you shoot people with?
The pulsar just seems so... inadequate. I've messed with the thumper and rocklets, and both seem to have limited effective range. I love the lancer but even crouched it's difficult to hit moving infantry at medium range with it. I was using the punisher for a bit, and you had to keep the bursts really small with that. I'm wondering what other folks use as their main outdoor infantry-to-infantry weapon. Stick with the pulsar? Punisher? Suppressor? Looted cyclers and gausses?

insaneferret 05-06-2003 02:25 PM

lasher / supressor for me lasher is an excellent colse range weapon
most people disregard the supressor because it's a spawn weapon and instantly throw it away, but when you're wearing reinforced armor there is NO COF expansion when standing still, when crouched it's practically a automatic sniper rifle works great with range magnifier

AvengerX 05-06-2003 02:44 PM

I'm a Rocklet man ;)

skoog 05-06-2003 03:01 PM

shotgun 90% of the time... with the lag the spread is good enough you always land a hit since I mainly fight indoors.

if i'm not indoors I carry and assault rifle.

and I only carry those two until I can find a gauss/cycler.

Hot Damn 05-06-2003 03:32 PM

Knives, spitfires, boomers, MAX weapons, misquito chaingun. I havent really seen any great Vanu weapon that makes me wanna use it 24/7

Ashaman 05-06-2003 04:08 PM

AV MAX, and Reaver rockets. ;)

Nosferatu 05-06-2003 04:08 PM

knife, and my uber AMP :bow:

Walks on Clouds 05-07-2003 07:21 AM

Suppressor all day long. Oh, and the plasma grenades, of course. I just took out a TR AI MAX all on my own today in Agile armour with nothing more than my 10 plasma grenades! That was really sweet. He must've been a stupid bastard, though... :)

insaneferret 05-07-2003 08:31 AM

hopefully when they de-nerf the pulsar i'll try it

SmackDab 05-07-2003 08:55 AM

I usually play AI or AV MAX, which ever I can buy. Other than that I've tried them all with nothing I really like so far. I did notice the default spawn gun is hella bad ass, straight shooting so I'll try that for a while I think.

This time around I'm going to get the heavy suit with 2 rifle slots and 2 pistol slots to carry 2 weapons. One for indoor (shotgun/rocklet) and one for outside (lasher/lancer) something. I guess. Mostly I'm going for these certs in this order I think.

BR-2 (5)
MAX - Quasar (3)

BR-3 (6)
Deliver/ANT - (3)

BR-5 (8)
Special Assault - (2)

BR-8 (11)
MAX - Comet (3)

BR-12 (14)
Reinforced Suit (3)

That's about as far as I know now. Might do like Wraith or something just to get around faster. Dunno.

Ghryphen 05-07-2003 10:54 AM

I used the Punisher all the time, now I have switched to the Pulsar.

Freebird 05-07-2003 11:12 AM

I've been using the Pulsar. It's much better now than when they started it. Good thing too. Suppressor isn't bad, but it's recoil is pretty wicked.

SmackDab 05-07-2003 12:16 PM

I'm liking pulsar more and more too, I likes the 4X zoom too.

AvengerX 05-07-2003 12:21 PM

I've started ganking all the Gauss Rifles I can get my hands on, that thing is major kick ass!

Walks on Clouds 05-09-2003 10:29 AM

Special Assault: Thumper/Decimator comboed with Reinforced exo, is my best bet for the day. I love those Decimators.

KnightDelta 05-10-2003 11:42 AM

I'm a Shotgun *BEEP*. :D

But until I finally decide to get that cert again, I use the Suppressor.

Shark 05-12-2003 07:44 AM

After the two recent buffs to the Pulsar, I've actually found it fairly effective. Suppressor is nice too. I originally used the Rocklet, but that thing griefs like no tomorrow, so I dropped spec assault and got the lancer. I've found the lancer to be really good up close on infantry (2 shots for hackers, 3 for the rest) and great for scaring off reavers and such. And of course, killing MAX's. It is difficult to use on moving targets as you have to lead your target without moving the crossairs and then time the shot...I expect I'll prolly get this down soon. I just hope they don't change the way it's a great all around weapon.


SmackDab 05-12-2003 09:07 AM

I like Lancer too, good powefull weapon and you can almost "snipe" with it. Just hard on moving targets and inside a base tunnel it's kinda uhm FUN to try to kill the enemy before he gets you. LOL. I did some hair trigger fire thing into this NC baddie that scared me or something I turn this corner and some blue dude is there I'm like Ahhhh inside and press fire anway, he dies and I'm like whooooo, glad that wasn't a

Man the Thumper is a bad ass Grief weapon too, fire that thing in a tower and you'll rack up some grief....bwahah. I kill myself more with the Thumper and Rocklet than I do the enemy. But still they are fun to play with.

AvengerX 05-12-2003 12:54 PM

I've managed to compile a total locker full of NC/TR weapons. I have 5 Cyclers, 11 Gauss Rifles, and a couple of Jackhammers if anyone wants them ;)

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