Allied Tribal Forces

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Stoke 08-12-2008 07:54 AM

Happy Birthday ATF.
Good work Gryphy and Stangypoo.

SilverTalon 08-12-2008 08:25 AM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.
Who'd have thought that setting up a website for PlanetSide would have lead to this motley crew of Internet squatters?

Yay us!

Ghryphen 08-12-2008 11:18 AM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.
Hehe, it actually all started with a seed planted by Ambush_Bug about a game called PlanetSide in March of 2002, the alliance idea from SirDiesalot, Spinning Hat got the ball rolling by getting me to host the site, Jester suggesting the winning name, domain registration by Splidz and most of all the great guilds that came together to form ATF and the great new friends that have joined since.

Here cliffs notes from the creation of ATF.
  • Looks interesting.
  • Ooh.. That does look kinda cool!
  • everyone in the "Xmen ring"(so to speak), meaning all your buddy buddy tribes, who are interested in the game should group up and make one massive alliance.
  • it would be sweet to have all the friendly of us get together and make a Planetside Alliance
  • i suppose "the ________ alliance" would be a good albeit typical choice. ideas?
  • There is some interest in the TKB camp.. I think Skoog said there was some interest in the endless camp too.
  • wouldn't really care if it was nearly the whole dang Tribes 2 community, EXCEPT that i know there are some tribes with a few jerks
  • I hate Jerks.
  • Yeah. No jerks.
  • Jerk Free Zone
  • The screenshots for this game made me have a spontanious orgasm.
  • how, exactly, do I get my wife to go along with this plan of ours?
  • ok... lets see... (the whole T2 community) - (jerks in T2 community) = X# of players to fill a battallion
  • need to begin thinking about the name for the Alliance.
    • Global Tatical Armed 'N' Armored Forces (GTANAF)
    • Strategic Alliance of Armed Friends (SAAF)
    • Pious Entity of Non-Intrusive and Skilled Experts at Sabotage
    • {KOEB}Kickers of enemy butts
    • {PENISES} and [TESTICLES] are good names?
    • Tactical Armed Forces (TAF)
    • Tribal Alliance Of Friends Union (TAOFU)
    • Tribal Alliance of Friends {TAF}
    • Disposable Heroes
    • Damage, INC.
    • many more....
    • Allied Tribal Forces [ATF] by Jester
  • A bunch of TimberWolf's tactical novels :)
  • this thread is starting to get kinda long, diverse, and confusing. when it gets too much longer it's definitely either time to start a couple more threads which are more specific (like "PlanetSide Tactics", "PlanetSide Alliance Function Ideas" and whatever else there is enough to justify a new thread for), or start a new EZboard altogether.
  • Hrmmm..... Lemme talk to Gryphon about that one.....
  • We have a board! Go here and check it out! A big Thanks to Gryphon for hosting it for us.
  • aw crud. you mean i have to sign up for something more?
  • I like {TAF} thats cool..
  • Come One And All To The Unnamed Alliance Boards To Help Build A New Community In Which Many Tribes/Clans Will Help Each Other Out.
  • /me walks in, see cobwebs all over the place. I wonder if anyone is still in here?
  • Yeah, me and the spiders get along great. I haven't forgotten, just in a holding pattern, waiting for something from the PS team to generate more interest.
  • There's another chance to sign up for a beta copy...

Initial thread - The XMEN Clan Forums :: View topic - Planetside
First thread on new boards August 12, 2002 - Welcome to the forums - Allied Tribal Forces
Name discussion - Our name? - Allied Tribal Forces

Hamma 08-12-2008 11:33 AM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.
Woot happy birthday on behalf of myself and Clan Draconus Lupus to a great team and a great group of folks :D

Spinning Hat 08-12-2008 12:03 PM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.
Holy Cow... 6 years already... I only had 1 kid back then, and was home at night most nights.... Way to go ATF! I started reading through that original thread on the Xmen boards.. Man there was a lot of conversation about PS back in the day.

Stoke 08-12-2008 01:09 PM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.
Regardless of how it came about, it did and here we are.

Three years or so ago some guys I worked with talked me into playing WoW. I had never really played any online games so I thought it would be fun. For whatever reasons we started out on the Windrunner server. After a short time over there, one of the guys said "we need to move over to Mal'Ganis. I know a guy over there in a really cool guild and we can join up with them". Now, being new to the whole online experience, I was quite happy just playing with the real life friends and wasn't real excited about - first, switching servers and abandoning that level 12 dwarf I had worked hard to level and second, being thrust into having to "deal" with a bunch of internet yo-yo's I didn't know. I mean, we had our 4 man group - what did we need all these other clowns for? What the hell was a guild?!?!?!?

Well, anyway, we made the move.

We basically kept to ourselves the first couple months or so, still grouping only with each other and basically ignoring the other folks in the guild. And for the most part, the other guild folks ignored us. Sometime shortly thereafter, I recall Shoddy organizing an Alliance server scavenger hunt and I was volunteered/drafted to help. As far as I can remember (i'm old you know), this was my first real interaction with some of the other ATF folks. I remember a lot of names from those days that are long gone but I also recall thinking that some of these folks ain't too bad and this whole guild thing might be fun after all.

Anyway, one thing lead to another. Folks came and went - including my buddies from work - and there were some hard times mixed in with a lot of good ones. As any family, there have been some internal squabbles but in the end, like most families - we might fight with each other but the outsode folks best not get involved.

Along the way, we've all made some good friends and hell, some people even got married. I can only think of a few folks that I was maybe glad to see move on somewhere else but for the most part, almost everyone here has in some way contributed to the overall fun and enjoyment I think we've all had.

The bottom line is that I can not imagine having spent the last 3+ years playing this or any other game without being associated with the ATF folks. I appreciate the efforts of Gryph, Stang and all the other pre-Warcraft folks that made this all possible.

Where else could you find all this much fun?

RĂ©Me 08-12-2008 04:32 PM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.

I've been in several guilds, raided full-time, no-time and part-time.. I've played this game like it was a JOB and ignored it. However, I've found a group of "buds" and I like it here. Who knew back when I was casually running with WH & ATF guys that I'd end up IN ATF? (no boos!)

thanks to Gryph, Stang, etc. who made it happen and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ATF!

Danerune 08-12-2008 05:18 PM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.
YAY!! I love you guys man! *Grabs a beer and flips up Gryph's skirt to sneak a peak*

Moomoomoo 08-12-2008 09:30 PM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.
I was in a couple of guilds way back when I first got the game, and i don't think they went anywhere... one of them was "United Alliance", and i don't remember the other one... i remember seeing people from ATF and for some reason i thought it was a really huge guild :P
Then i was in "Shield of Red Moon" for like a year, and it was actually very enjoyable (If you've heard of the guild before, i will award you 5 internets). Most of them are in Fel Iron Chef now i think...
when that guild died, i joined WH, and then ATF.

Fatalle 08-12-2008 10:39 PM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.
I started playing WoW on Christmas Eve 2004, after much urging from the guys at work who assured me the female characters were 'pretty' enough to draw my interest. We formed a smallish but close guild with several other coworkers, and together we learned such stupidly noobish lessons as you don't need to swim up the coast from Menethil to Westfall to get the SW flight point (oh yes I DID). Most of them lost interest after a few months, and by spring the handful that did still play had gone to play horde on Uther to escape the PvP.

In July I ventured off myself to play a cow on Feathermoon, where I was befriended by the infamous Silver. He told wondrous stories of his fabulous guild on MG and gently urged me to join upon learning of the dissolution of my first guild. But as I am generally resistant to change, the old tag for the guild of which I was the sole member remained. However as Silver can be something of a relentless fellow, he finally wore me down when ATF was down one warrior for an UBRS run, and I accepted a group, as well as a guild, invite.

That was going on 3 years ago. You are all amazing people, and you all help make ATF what it is. I'm sure there are many others who would have been long past the 'WoW phase' had they not stumbled into ATF along the way. I love ATF so much I even married one of you! (although I still submit that I was not properly warned about Dane)

Happy Birthday ATF! :hug:

SilverTalon 08-13-2008 05:14 AM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF. guys have no idea how much prodding it took to get Fate in here. We're talking months...literal months. She was so scared that you all would think she was weird and a n00b because she'd never played the game "for real" (just farming and looking pretty) and that she'd be an outcast. Little did she know... :)

I really think the reason she stayed was Stoke. True story.

Stoke 08-13-2008 06:59 AM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.
Everybody loves the Stoke.

CannonBall 08-13-2008 10:01 AM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.

Originally Posted by Stoke (Post 47577)
Everybody loves the Stoke.

So True!

We also love the Ninja and Stang! Thanks for all you do!!

Stang 08-13-2008 04:13 PM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.
This guild would have not gotten this far if it wasnt everyone that has put the effort in to keep it going no matter what game we played. I thank you all that have stuck it out thru the rough times and slow times it shows what kind of people we have here and I love the friendships I have made with all of you, even you stalker silver :).

*Holds up glass of wine/beer/liquor*

Happy Birthday ATF and here is to many more to come!!!!

Skillet 08-14-2008 06:43 PM

Re: Happy Birthday ATF.
My online adventures started with the nagging of Icenode to get me to play StarWars Galaxies with him and some buddies. I gave in and never looked back. He got into PlanetSide beta and got us all to change games joining a outfit called Wolfbrigade as a trial until we had enough to form our own outift. We never got the numbers to make our own and Icenode moved on to other games.

WB ran a a lot of "operations" with this other outfit refered to as "ATF". While playing with WB I also ran into KWood. We made it our purpose in life to irritate the enemy as much as possible by camping with Flails and stealthing boomers in :)

Ahh... those were the days. We truely had some incredibly fun battles in Planetside.

We ran with ATF so much we decided to move over there and its been my home ever since.

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