Allied Tribal Forces

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Ghryphen 04-02-2010 04:05 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Been messing around with this sandbox game called Minecraft. It is kind of like playing with virtual legos, brought to my attention on the XMEN forums.

I setup a couple of servers, details located here

You need to be registered and logged in at Minecraft, otherwise you will just get freshly generated default map, you won't be on the actual ATF server.

I'll be messing with the servers some more as I find out more about them.

ATF Servers:
Listed server:

There are a couple of random guys on the Listed server that I made admin. It has a spawn jail too keep griefers out, just tell em you know Gryphon and they will let you in.

If you let me know your names I can add you as admin so you can get out of the jail, kick, ban as needed.

Unlisted server:

The unlisted server is not on the public server list, finding the URL is the only way to access the server, shouldn't need a spawn jail.

Thought maybe we could make the unlisted server clean, nothing too crazy, just like a medieval town or something.

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