Allied Tribal Forces

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phalanx 04-29-2003 10:46 AM

Played as the other two empires today
I can't believe that we DON'T get our asses kicked more often by them, and by the TR in particular. I don't know which is more superior vs our counterparts... the striker, any of their maxes, and even their cycler. any of those additions to our side would be a dramatic increase in firepower.

I believe that once the game goes live we will become a dying bred, as more VS see the truth and join the other sides. As you can tell i'm quite alarmed in how strangely unbalanced the game is right now. Personally i really hope they change something before it goes live.

Ambush_Bug 04-29-2003 12:15 PM

The thing that blows my mind is that apparently Terran MAXes never have to reload. At least the AV MAX doesn't seem to have that requirement. While I, in my AA/AV MAX have to reload every 6/10 shots, respectively.

Last night, I got the drop on a Terran MAX and emptied an entire 10-round clip of AV ammo into him before he got off a shot. I jet over him while reloading, but he tracks me and unloads on me, killing me dead almost before I land.

You know, if the AV MAX ammo actually tracked the vehicles like the AA MAX, I could see the need for having such a small clip--a big barrage of homing rounds would be very annoying. But AV rounds are dumbfire, and slow at that, so I'm wondeirng why they're limited to 10 rounds per clip.

phalanx 04-29-2003 12:17 PM

yea, 10 is a little lacking, considering a tr av max has a 200 round clip, as fast a loading time as a vs max, and can carry up to 1400 rounds

Hot Damn 04-29-2003 01:55 PM

Scary stuff. I dont want to know how the other side lives so I dont get jealous ;)

Maz 04-29-2003 02:16 PM

other empires weapon are so much more powerful

Streamline 04-29-2003 05:44 PM

Anytime i can, i pilfer a pistol form the enemy. If i were certified for bigger weapons, i'd pilfer thoughs too. The already anemic reaver was just rendered totally useless in the latest patch. Both TR and NC AA MAX got a big boner. I must say, i am disturbed. As it is now the only thing i can kill MAXs with is plasma nades. Of which is what 70 % of my locker consists of. That and a REK, TR and NC pistols. NC pistol ammo, and health kits. Oh, and a dozen or so jammer nades.

DruMAX 04-30-2003 07:01 AM

That was my problem once I was able to go MAX was that I get like a burst of 6 shots then have to reload...thats just not enough with how inaccurate I am shooting. :)

Shoddy 04-30-2003 11:55 AM

If you're infantry, give the Lancer (AV cert) a try. You can really put the hurt on MAXes from a distance with it. Indoors, it's tough to stay alive long enough to bring one down, but certainly you can do it, especially if you end up behind them. As a bonus, it can be used as a sniper rifle of sorts because the cone of fire is fairly small when crouched and you can take down infantry in about 3 shots. One significant drawback to it is that you cannot carry very much amunition for it.

Sure, a seeking missile would be nice. But the anti-infantry sniping ability of our AV weapon is nice too.

SmackDab 04-30-2003 12:46 PM

Man these posts are going to change things one of two ways:

1. Change VS weapons to make them more powerful
2. Take VS MAX JumpJet away, then make weapons more powerful

Man I care SHIT about what other team's weapons do, I will NOT EVER IN MY LIFE give up the ability to go over walls, onto roof tops, OVER enemy heads, all the firepower in the world I'd trade for this ONE ability.

Sure our grunts might be underpowered and an infantry against a MAX isn't purty, but damn, our MAX is the SHIT when compared to ability. SO what if I have to reload at least once it's so worth it.

Think this, when attacking a base from TR or NC's point of view you are REQUIRED to hit the base via front door into court yard or through some door entrance out on the wall, that's it (unless bailing from a vehicle). WIth us, there is no way possible what so ever to defend against unlimited points of entry for our MAX armor. Once inside the tunnels it's the same game for all and that might suck but out in the open we RULE the offensive strike capability.

BESIDES, bottom line, if you hate their weapons, KILL THEM AND STEAL THEM, you can still use it if you have the certs.

Walks on Clouds 04-30-2003 01:15 PM

Cool, nice. Who are you anyway, Shoddy? Don't think I've heard of you before? What tribe if any are you from and why haven't you filled out the PS-related entries on the Control Panel form? ;) Always trying to get everyone to fill those forms out properly, I am...

Spinning Hat 04-30-2003 01:20 PM

SHoddy is from BEE.

phalanx 04-30-2003 02:03 PM


Originally posted by SmackDab
Man these posts are going to change things one of two ways:

1. Change VS weapons to make them more powerful
2. Take VS MAX JumpJet away, then make weapons more powerful

Man I care SHIT about what other team's weapons do, I will NOT EVER IN MY LIFE give up the ability to go over walls, onto roof tops, OVER enemy heads, all the firepower in the world I'd trade for this ONE ability.

Sure our grunts might be underpowered and an infantry against a MAX isn't purty, but damn, our MAX is the SHIT when compared to ability. SO what if I have to reload at least once it's so worth it.

Think this, when attacking a base from TR or NC's point of view you are REQUIRED to hit the base via front door into court yard or through some door entrance out on the wall, that's it (unless bailing from a vehicle). WIth us, there is no way possible what so ever to defend against unlimited points of entry for our MAX armor. Once inside the tunnels it's the same game for all and that might suck but out in the open we RULE the offensive strike capability.

BESIDES, bottom line, if you hate their weapons, KILL THEM AND STEAL THEM, you can still use it if you have the certs.

First, there's no reason to take away jumpjets, they are the only thing that keep VS in any battle.

When you attack a base from the the other 2 empires pov, infantry is mainly used and not the max. this is because their infantry can hold their own against max's; the use of their maxes is support, what the dev's intended for the max. If it was hard for any reason for them to go through the front door, they could just hop into a prowler or vanguard (hope to god they never become coordinated and bring 3 or 4) is surely NOT going to have any problem with that.

As VS, a base assault without max's is unheard of (and impossible), especially now with the lattice system. since we don't have a weapon that resembles a cycler (or phoenix, or whatever in power) many infantry chose to use common pool weapons (decimater, punisher), meaning there would be no situation in which they would have any advantage over enemy forces. that is why so many VS max's are around. But because there are so many max's, the use of vehicles is hindered.

Let's look at just non-common pool matters:

Outside, while our max's might have some mobility advantage, NC has a clear overall advantage with phoenix's and vanguards.
Inside, well there is no vs advantage i can think of. the lasher probably, i have never used it. but i can tell you TR has the overall advantage with max's and mini-chainguns. have you ever seen a cc room with 2 locked down TR max's completely obliterating anything that got close to it? there is no offense to that. none. it's possible to start the "what if" senarios, but that only that- what if. what if i spent time and inventory space to pick up non-vs weapons. what if non-vs empires had to do the same.

Last night there was a newbie with a vanguard (i'm calling him a noob because he obviously didn't know what to do, ex, he was spinning his turret around in circles) outside our tower, and pinned down about 20 or so people inside the tower for quite some time. someone on ts said to me "what do you expect its a fucking tank!" I expect balance. When was the last time you saw a VS noob hold down 20 people by himself?

Don't get me wrong, i've had an awesome time playing this game. but we are talking about the overall possiblities of the game, not just the initial fun factor. that's why i'm probably not going to continue on with this game once it goes live, an organized non-vs squad will beat any vs squad. so why lose sleep and money over it.

SmackDab 04-30-2003 03:04 PM

Plasma nades work good against clamped down TR MAXes. I understand what ya mean. I just don't want to loose my jets cause the other side thinks our maxes are too powerful.

Spinning Hat 04-30-2003 03:19 PM

The other guys need to play in our shoes for a bit.

Coachman 04-30-2003 05:53 PM

Also, you have to remember this is beta AND more importantly Sony. It took Verant/Sony 3 years to do class balance. One class would get immensely powerful then nerfed and back again.

Isn't this last part of beta is to both stress test and balance?

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