Allied Tribal Forces

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Ferion 05-13-2005 10:24 AM

Ferion's Battle-Grounds pre-Review (some spoiliers kinda)
So I was able to try out Battle Grounds on the test server last night and I have to say, from what little I got to play I am fairly impressed. They introduced two different BG's, Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch. Both of these are instanced and have multiple instances running of which to choose from. I just picked the "Join First Available" option which ended up queueing me for about 5 mintues before I got to play. Alterac Valley, a 40v40 map, was the first one I tried and it is really fun and plays a lot like Battlefield 1942, WoW style. First off there are a multitude of quests that you can do when entering the Zone which range from supply quests in the nearby mines to boost NPC strength, to gathering Rams for the army in the foothills, to capturing Graveyards and points. The first 30 minutes of this battle was kind of a stalemate with the Alliance and Horde just battling it out in the center of the map. However the Horde were able to push us back and capture one of our bunkers which they held for about 20 minutes before we pushed them out. Then we were able to take control of one of their graveyards, which it appears, in this BG to be a very crucial goal because you can only spawn at Graveyards that your faction owns, much like the spawn points in Battlefield. Anyways after the Alliance captured this GY we were able to spawn closer to their territory which led to the capture of a tower and the siege on one of their Garrisons. Now this was fun, because in the Garrison was a 61 elite Captain who was a bitch to kill. About 10 of us wiped on him and it took 2 attempts to do. He was easily the equivalent of a raid boss. Once this captain was down the horde Garrison burst into flames, although it wasnt destroyed completely. I could only imagine what the boss at th enemy's Keep is like. Now after this me and another rogue went on a quest which is kind of cool, to find the captured Gryphon Commanders. We stealthed further into their territory and found one of them up in a tower. We took out his immediate guards and then he fought along side of us as a 58 elite, mind you we all got slaughtered eventually because there was just too many, but we ended up taking the tower in the process. I didnt stick around to the end because this Battle Ground takes hours to do, but it would be awesome to get a coordinated guild in there to do some damage.

So I went to try out Warsong Gulch next in Ashenvale, which is a 10v10 map, and to my surprise it is a CTF Battle Ground. Yes, Capture the Flag true and true. It is set up with two opposing fortresses and a flag at each end. It plays very fast and is very entertaining. In this map Warriors and Pallys are going to be very useful as Flag Bearers because evry other class drops too fast. It is also cool becasue it shows the scores and kills just like it would in a Quake or Tribes match.

All in all I was satisfied with the Battle Grounds from what I got to experience. They are entertaining and a great way to rack up honor points. :)

Danerune 05-13-2005 10:35 AM

Yayyyy cant wait... We need to be able to send in our whole guild into an 40v40 or a 10v10. I hope that is possible.

Ghryphen 05-13-2005 10:36 AM

Sounds cool

Spinning Hat 05-13-2005 11:48 AM

10v10? I'm down.. although, I'd be killed in about 2 seconds...

Cptmorgan 05-13-2005 01:39 PM

I played for a few last night too. I (retarded) joined the pvp test server, and it was lag fest 2005. But once inside and away from major groups it did die down a little. Looting the other players was the most fun though, it gives you a skinning icon though its much faster than regular skinning.
I couldnt figure out why i couldnt loot everything the player dropped though....actually may have been other players looting them with me, just didnt notice.

Also, the healers in the instance i was in were doing a crappy job of healing so dieing was frquent.

Folks the best part of it all...... WE WERENT FRIGGING OUTNUMBERED!!!!! Even sides pvp is 10 times more fun. And on malganis, when the numbers are matched you all know who will have the outcome >;)

If you all decide to check it out, make sure you join the RP or normal server the PVP server has too many people.

Muzo 05-13-2005 04:09 PM

Yeah I saw Ferion play CTF match and it looks really fun! I'm ganna actually log into the game tonight and try it out! Woot I might not cancel my account now :)

CannonBall 05-13-2005 05:20 PM

Sounds good!
We BG comes out I'll resubscribe to WoW and play.

Uh-oh :worry:

Cass 05-13-2005 05:36 PM

Same with me cannon but i am going to wait a week so all bugs are worked out, and mal will proble be back up since we alwas crash after patchs

Calimitous Mayhem 05-13-2005 08:11 PM

You can loot other players!?! Like thier actual gear!? Please say no. I would so be pissed if that was true. or is it a loot table like a mob? Other than that sounds really freakin cool. Is there a version for lower level characters? If not then it still doesn't hold a candle to DAOC in that aspect.

Ferion 05-13-2005 09:31 PM

No you cant loot their gear you loot their blood and armor scraps and other items for use in the BG. Furthermore, when you skin the dead body of the enemy it makes their corpse unretrievable and they have to spawn at a graveyard.

Muzo 05-14-2005 09:54 AM

From what little I played I think this will be awesome when they put it on the live servers.

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