Allied Tribal Forces

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Ghryphen 04-24-2003 01:47 PM

Tribes 3 Info is here

Malthus 04-24-2003 01:54 PM

My bitterness at the franchise is almost overcome by my respect for Irrational...Almost....

phalanx 04-24-2003 02:02 PM

my only hope is that they make sure gameplay is at least as good as those graphics :cool:

Fyunch Click 04-24-2003 02:37 PM

Bastard. :p

Just put the press release link in the general forums.

Walks on Clouds 04-24-2003 03:04 PM

So they're basically going to rip off the successful name of Tribes and do a SOINGLEPLAYER game out of it? What can you say? Beautiful!

Spinning Hat 04-24-2003 03:36 PM

People have been asking for one since the beginning WoC. I know I've always wanted one. :D

Walks on Clouds 04-24-2003 05:05 PM

Uhm. What? Did I say something? No, must've been someone else. :D

Double-check my post if you will...

Spinning Hat 04-24-2003 05:35 PM

Damn.. and I forgot what the original; post was....

Snuf 04-24-2003 10:33 PM

Let's hope they make use of TRP to find the background info for it though.

It would be even better if one of us could WRITE it for them. Then at least it would be consistent to the backstory.

Maz 04-25-2003 05:34 AM

bah, t3, ps is where it's at for now :)

Snuf 04-25-2003 06:08 AM

Not until I get my Beta CDs it's not :p

Fyunch Click 04-25-2003 06:26 AM

AQctually there will be a multiplayer component. The guy who did Team Rabbit 2 is heading up the coding on that.
For my money it had better be cooperative, and if he listens to the community it better not be Tribalwar he's listening to.

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