Allied Tribal Forces

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Levo 11-01-2004 08:32 PM

I was wondering if were gonna get involved with WoW.
I've been reading alot of the wow fan sites and the blizzard sight and I am quite excited for this release.
I sure some of us are gonna get it. I also was wondering if maybe You guys could put a spot on the fourms for Wow and maybe a channel for TS.. Forgive me for asking but I have come to enjoy the personalities I have found with you all and would like to keep it here.
I plan to play Wow..the trouble is..I told my self that I won't pay for 2 different games..1 will get played..and 1 will not..waste of $$. that's my Nicotine fund there for a month..dam copenhagen..
So..SOE has just took out cash for this month..after this month, around the time of release of wow Levo will hang is prized lasher above the fireplace.

As soon as wow comes out I want to make a will be called the same namesake as we are now..I hope to see some of you there..Untill then..gonna lash some fools..

TimberWolf 11-01-2004 08:49 PM

There is a forum below called "World of Warcraft - Alliance Norgannon"

Ghryphen 11-02-2004 09:07 AM

Norgannon was the server most were on in beta. I haven't kept up on what has been going on with everyone and WoW, so make sure to post as soon as a server/side is/are chosen.

Levo 11-02-2004 09:14 AM

I should open up my eyes a bit more huh -)

KWood 11-02-2004 11:32 AM

WTF is World of Warcraft? How do you play? Is there any coordination skill involved or is it a strategy based game in 3rd person? I have a hard time getting into that role playing quest thing. Next thing I know I would be playing D&D and have truly turned to the dark side of geekdom. Levo or whoever can give me some kind of description please do.

I am addicted to Planetside. When it goes away I will cry:( I cannot think of any other game that has ever come close to being 1/3 as entertaining as PS. I know its not what it used to be but I still have a blast with it.

Ghryphen 11-02-2004 12:36 PM


Stang 11-02-2004 04:34 PM

Ya levo a few of the THZ guys are going to play it I think and Ferret is too. Don't know who else around here is going to play but I've heard a few people say they are. I think their is a ATF room set up for WoW.

If you want to make a guild for WoW and use the ATF I say go for it! :D You can lead it and all that and look you ready have a forum up :D. Im sure you'll suck some others in too. As far as leaving PS we will miss you but I know you'll be back :). Im like kwood Im still lovin PS and Im makin him money :D. Im not into RPG's but maybe Ill watch how things go as I love playing with all you guys. I think without this group I wouldn't be playing still.

Quartex 11-02-2004 05:50 PM

Hey guys! I just signed up for the final "stress" test for WOW. Looking forward to playing with you guys again. :)

Torque 11-02-2004 06:41 PM


Cass 11-02-2004 10:29 PM

ILL be there for open beta but sadly i have no paypal and so i have no fileplanet sub only a basic one so i can't get in stress :(

Levo 11-03-2004 06:48 AM

I've posted on the WB fourms about this as well..some of them will be playing it as well..Last night I played PS for about an so sick of getting squashed by friendly bfr's chaseing 1 lowly NC I went back to sanc..

As far as roleplaying game go..You don't have to roleplay..if you don't want to. I find role playing kinda corny my self..I was a hard core EQ fan and if this is any thing close to EQ I will be loss to PS..PS has changed..each patch the game gets more lagy it with all the Big friggen ..well you know where i'm going with that..I can't play the style I like to play. You know what realy gets me mad.. I was just starting to get real good with the lasher..I was beating people that always own me.

Skillet 11-03-2004 09:03 AM

I'm playing on the stress test. Central PVP Server 6

My name is Plankeye

AvengerX 11-03-2004 09:21 AM

Post on the TKB boards, I know for a fact there are several guys playing it over there.

KWood 11-03-2004 09:30 AM

I got my beta key this am so I will see what its all about.

Skillet I love the Plankeye name.....sounds like something you get from hanging out with nasty girls.;)

Ghryphen 11-03-2004 12:14 PM

So "Central PVP Server 6" is the server name? I will put up a notice if that is it.

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