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Garfieldthecat 04-21-2010 08:02 PM

Hello and Introduction
Hey, Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone. Josh/Cannonball works where I do, and he invited me here after finding out I am starting to play WoW.

This is my second MMO, I have played a Captain in LOTRO up to lvl60, before Shadows of Mirkwood came out. Enjoyed that, since I love Tolkien's books. But I wanted to try WoW, since it seems that everyone plays it, or at least has tried it at some point. My character right now is a human pally named Leodegarius, after a Grey Knight captain in a recent Warhammer 40k book. (gotta love space marines :D )

Of course, I do other things other then MMO's. I've played PC games for over 20 years, back to the original Colossal Cave (AKA Adventure) game on a 4.77Mhz IBM PC with 16k of RAM. I suck at FPS, so I don't play those much anymore, and stick to RPG's and the like. I also love strategy RPG's on my PSP and DS (Disgaea rocks!). On the non-gaming side, I also like to read sci-fi and fantasy, as you can tell from my 40K reference, I have several hundred books that I have gotten and read over the years. I also like to run, to counterbalance my addiction to chocolate and ice cream. I'm certainly not fast, but I can run slowly for a long time. I've managed to do about a dozen 1/2 marathons and did a full marathon about 2 1/2 years ago.

So if you see me online, I'll be plugging away, trying to learn all the WoW tricks, and trying to get to 80 pre-cataclysm. I've already finished my first ever dungeon, after 5 wipes with PUG's in Deadmines. But eventually I finished it. ;) And I am sure I will make many more noob mistakes as I level up, since that is part of the fun :D


CannonBall 04-21-2010 08:52 PM

Re: Hello and Introduction
Hey Scott!!
So glad you are on board!!!
Have any questions just ask away, we are a very friendly group. Except for Danerune, he's mean, very mean.

Ghryphen 04-21-2010 11:35 PM

Re: Hello and Introduction
Welcome to ATF. You didn't mention your poor sense of smell, obvious because you are able to work with CB.

Shadowspirit 04-22-2010 06:09 AM

Re: Hello and Introduction
Hello and welcome.

Khaldugo 04-22-2010 08:50 AM

Hail and well met! Welcome to the guild. :)

I have a level 30 warlock, so if you ever want a questing buddy give me a holler!
I'm usually on my main Khaldugo(warrior), or my OTHER main, Quindugo(hunter), or my 68 Mage "Yviroxx".
Point being, if I am on in some capacity, let me know, I hate leveling solo.

P.S. Dane's not mean, CB's sensitive, he demands flowers after every raid from Dane or he gets pouty ...jeez. :P

Stang 04-22-2010 04:13 PM

Re: Hello and Introduction
Hello and Welcome!

And Khal you should know it's not flowers but fajitas!

Garfieldthecat 04-22-2010 05:57 PM

Re: Hello and Introduction

Originally Posted by Gryphon (Post 60632)
Welcome to ATF. You didn't mention your poor sense of smell, obvious because you are able to work with CB.

Oh trust me, I've smelled much worse in surgery. And you haven't seen who he works with either! :eek:

And thanks to everyone for the welcome. I'm sure I will provide plenty of funny stories on how I managed to screwup.

SilverTalon 04-22-2010 07:33 PM

Re: Hello and Introduction

Originally Posted by Garfieldthecat (Post 60652)
And thanks to everyone for the welcome. I'm sure I will provide plenty of funny stories on how I managed to screwup.

The real difficulty will be managing to screw-up in a way that CB hasn't already. And that, young apprentice, shall be your true challenge (especially with as many and as varied methods of screwing up as CB has uncovered over the years).

Also, welcome!

Danerune 04-24-2010 07:01 PM

Re: Hello and Introduction
Welcome to the guild!!

Oh and everything they say about me is a HUGE LIE! Honest...

RĂ©Me 04-25-2010 06:01 PM

Re: Hello and Introduction

Originally Posted by Danerune (Post 60683)
Welcome to the guild!!

Oh and everything they say about me is a HUGE LIE! Honest...

What he means is that everything HE SAYS is a huge lie... honest.

welcome to ATF. Gritt loves you.

Silver, however, does NOT. But he can't please everyone and rarely tries to please ANYONE.

Garfieldthecat 04-25-2010 07:14 PM

Re: Hello and Introduction
Wow, I can just FEEL the love around here :D :D :D

Khaldugo 04-25-2010 07:39 PM

Re: Hello and Introduction
You're right Stang, I totally forgot. LOL

It's the trade off - Fajitas now, or no Taco later!

Oh, and Reme, unless you're name starts with a "D", then...Silver wants to give you his saronite ;)

Fatalle 04-25-2010 11:12 PM

Re: Hello and Introduction
How did I miss this thread? So hi! And welcome. I'm Fate. Also known as Embrosia and Claira. I can make Dane and Stang be super duper nice to you. But Silver I have no control over. Sadly.

SilverTalon 04-26-2010 04:00 AM

Re: Hello and Introduction

Originally Posted by Khaldugo (Post 60697)
Oh, and Reme, unless you're name starts with a "D", then...Silver wants to give you his saronite ;)

The unintentionally hilarious part of that is that I made Dane much the same set of armor when his warrior hit 80. We spent so much time and couldn't figure out why he was only 538 defense skill when he should be over 540...then we realized he'd JUST hit 80 and didn't have the 5 points from being beaten on from leveling.

Becomes even more amusing when you considered I've restocked in case Fate ever gets there and her last name starts with D. :D Curiously, so does Dane's...I sense a conspiracy!

Khaldugo 04-26-2010 04:26 AM

Re: Hello and Introduction
LoL @ Silver!

Maybe you're just attracted to D's!

Haw! :P

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