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Ghryphen 09-02-2008 12:43 PM

Google's new browser
Pretty pimp and fast! It needs some tweaks, but overall not bad. Will try using it as my default for a while.

Google Chrome - Download a new browser

SilverTalon 09-02-2008 01:21 PM

Re: Google's new browser
I concur with the owl man.

Tis worth a test drive at least.

For those who don't find the options immediately, the paper and the wrench at the top right corner. ;)

Moomoomoo 09-02-2008 02:06 PM

Re: Google's new browser
is it any better than Firefox?

Ghryphen 09-02-2008 02:52 PM

Re: Google's new browser
Depends on the person. IMHO, IE is better that Firefox.

As far as features go, Chrome is very simple. If you have 3467 plugins for Firefox, you might not like Chrome.

Stoke 09-02-2008 03:18 PM

Re: Google's new browser
Sorry but IE sucks Niz's left nut. Too many vulnerabilities....

Ghryphen 09-02-2008 03:34 PM

Re: Google's new browser

Originally Posted by Stoke (Post 47833)
Sorry but IE sucks Niz's left nut. Too many vulnerabilities....

The too many vulnerabilities copy/paste is out of date. Ctrl+C something new!

SilverTalon 09-02-2008 05:34 PM

Re: Google's new browser
IE 8 Beta 2 sucks down more RAM and CPU time than Niz sucks down bacon. Currently clocks in at more RAM consumption than the entirety of Windows XP in lab tests involving opening 10 concurrent web pages. Further info at IE 8 consumes more RAM than Windows XP even though I know Gryph read it already since i linked it to him in IRC. That's roughly twice the consumption you'd see from Chrome in all likelihood, a browser similarly "in beta."

How's that though? :) Little more recent for you?

Chrome is better than IE, hands down. In terms of Firefox, itself vastly superior to IE (</Gryph Baiting>), as Gryph states it depends on your level of customization. If you run vanilla Firefox, Chrome probably squeaks ahead. If you have fifty kabillion addons, you're better off staying where you are in all likelihood.

DarkIce 09-02-2008 07:41 PM

Re: Google's new browser
i dunno i use windows vista and IE 7 and i like it might just be me though...

Spinning Hat 09-03-2008 01:25 AM

Re: Google's new browser
Holy mighty fast browser batman! I am posting using it now.. never seen the ATF Forums load this quick.. Incognito mode FTW!

Stoke 09-03-2008 03:06 AM

Re: Google's new browser

Originally Posted by Gryphon (Post 47834)
The too many vulnerabilities copy/paste is out of date. Ctrl+C something new!

We are stuck with IE at work for whatever reasons. Its our official browser and our internal portal stuff will not work with any other browser. Mrs. Stoke (in the IT Security dept.) deals with about 10 or 12 "updates" per week for some sort of IE vulnerability. She sees about 2 a month for the few copies of Firefox that have slipped thru the cracks.

SilverTalon 09-03-2008 04:06 AM

Re: Google's new browser
In defense of IE in the corporate world, it is much more manageable from the enterprise standpoint than any other browser. Most browsers do not have any mechanisms for re-branding or centralized administration, which actually does give IE a leg up in that environment. That is something Google will need to address if they want to compete in the corporate space (which they undoubtedly do) because while good IT admins hate the vulnerabilities, the trade-off of being able to centrally manage thousands of clients at a mouse-click with individualized settings based on groups or organizational units is probably worth it to most sufficiently large networks.

Now, if you're using IE and NOT using those features in the corporate world....yes, you've signed up for a lot of pain for no benefit. :)

Ghryphen 09-03-2008 08:19 AM

Re: Google's new browser

Originally Posted by Stoke (Post 47863)
Mrs. Stoke (in the IT Security dept.) deals with about 10 or 12 "updates" per week for some sort of IE vulnerability.

Then those are items which are no longer vulnerabilities. Updates don't suggest vulnerability, they suggest security. A bug that is fixed is not still a bug. That absence of reported vulnerabilities doesn't make something more secure. In my experience, someone who gets their computer compromised while using IE is just as likely to get their computer compromised by FF, most are user induced security problems.

Like I always say, I use IE, hack me.

Banne 09-09-2008 02:10 AM

Re: Google's new browser

Originally Posted by Gryphon (Post 47870)
Like I always say, I use IE, hack me.

okay! Let me get my axe! Hehe. But in all seriousness I downloaded Chrome almost immediately after it came out, and I love it. I am basically splitting time on IE and Chrome, mostly because there are a lot of sites that dont support Chrome for some reason or another, and some of the video codecs arent tweaked yet, so you cant watch some flash videos (I believe thats the case at least, the ones were on-again off again). Also, some of the Java scripts dont work properly with it. They will get there. It is fast, and nice. And as far as IE security goes, Ive never had a problem with it. Then again, I dont trust my internet security to Microsoft, I entrust it to the fine people at McAfee.

SilverTalon 09-09-2008 05:29 AM

Re: Google's new browser

Originally Posted by Banne (Post 47961)
mostly because there are a lot of sites that dont support Chrome for some reason or another

9 times out of 10, it won't work because they included IE-specific content. That's the main reason I dislike's less a web browser and more an effort by Microsoft to force de facto web standards down people's throats that they then don't port to other platforms or browsers so that you remain locked-in to MS products.

Sure, there's always going to be the "experimental" parts of the Internet where new standards are being refined since they don't spring from the mind of Zeus fully formed like Athena, but MS always wants to push things out before they're really done to try and bump up adoption and make it a standard after the fact. That pretty much summarizes all their security issues too...since I'm pretty sure the vast majority are ActiveX and similar cock-ups and not that IE can't handle rendering HTML.

I know Gryph is opposed to standards since he lives within range of the Redmond Thought-Control device, and I'm not a "Down with MS" hippy (since I live outside the range of Apple's Jobsian Reality Distortion Field), but with a public resource of the weight and societal import of the's not good for any one entity to ever have control over it.

Google, arguably the closest entity to doing so, at least has the decency to attempt to play nice with others...

Ghryphen 09-10-2008 10:29 AM

Re: Google's new browser
1 Attachment(s)
Check out Greasemetal - an Userscript Runtime for Google Chrome if you like to run userscripts like with GreaseMonkey for Firefox. After you install it, use it as your shortcut to launch Chrome and it will run scripts in the userjs directory in your documents folder.

Attached is a simple script I made to auto-expand the Wowhead site.

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