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jazzyweatherchic 10-01-2007 10:32 AM

Time for the Stupidity Awards
Hello everyone. I figured since i did something really stupid just a few minutes ago i should share it for your amusement. (just cause i'm nice like that). Any who.. so pretty sure that i just got done eating in the cafe and i came back up to my room to kill time. Well upon realizing that i didnt know where my flippin phone had gone, I began to tear apart my room (not literally, metaphorically) looking for the stupid thing and it didnt help that it was on silent. So i back track all of my steps, head back to the cafe, look in the dishwashing station, on the floor... EVERYWHERE. I asked the lady working at the front desk if she had seen anything or if anyone had turned it in... "nope". and at this point i'm beyond 'colorful language - going on in my head that is' I get back to my room... look yet again to see where it is.. still no luck. I message my friend who i had breakfast with to see if she swiped it (cause she has a tendency to do that). "nope, are you sure its not in your backpack?" I look for the third time... still nothing. so I pick my backpack to move it and on the strap in the little cell phone pocket that i rarely even use... is my freaking cellphone... AHHHHHHRRGGGGGHHHHHHH i think that i wanted to bang my head up against the wall.
so yeah... there's my stupid human moment of the day... so now you guys share, if'ins you want too... its okay i wont laugh.

Stang 10-01-2007 04:16 PM

Re: Time for the Stupidity Awards
Reminds me of all the times I tell Gryphon to go get something and he comes back saying he can't find it and then I go back to get it and looky there there it is!

SilverTalon 10-01-2007 04:27 PM

Re: Time for the Stupidity Awards

Originally Posted by Stang (Post 44048)
Reminds me of all the times I tell Gryphon to go get something and he comes back saying he can't find it and then I go back to get it and looky there there it is!

That's not so much stupidity as it is part of his cunning plot to drive you slowly insane. Then when you finally snap he can play the "stoic husband" act at the mental hospital and score all sorts of nurse booty. :yup:

Oh wait...I wasn't supposed to tell you while you were still sane....damnit...

Stang 10-01-2007 04:28 PM

Re: Time for the Stupidity Awards
Ha ha! Plan foiled!

Nubo 10-03-2007 04:39 PM

Re: Time for the Stupidity Awards
Yay!! Now i have something to put here... lol...
Ok... well today at work i Shoot a 16 penny nail throw my knuckle.... lol
At when i got to the Quick care to take care of it... i was there for 3 hours with this nail in my finger... lol..

Stang 10-04-2007 04:13 PM

Re: Time for the Stupidity Awards

That should bring back memories for Gryphon and his finger :).

Banne 10-04-2007 11:02 PM

Re: Time for the Stupidity Awards
ha nice. I did something stupid like that, I ripped the top of my left index finger off in the hinge of a heavy french door. Luckily, I actually had the Blackhawks team surgeon stitch it back on. He did a good job, its functional today, and is just kinda missing a tiny, tiny little chunk on the very top of my finger. It was pretty badass.

Then again ive done alot of stupid things, broken alot of bones, and what not. Like breaking my leg and not going to the hospital until it got infected :)

Or hurting my elbow skateboarding, getting my arm xrayed and the doctor saying "Well your elbow is fine, but when did you break your wrist, its almost completely healed". Woops. If I knew I had a broken wrist, I probably wouldnt have been skateboarding.

Sports injuries: Dislocated just aboot every finger, sprained ankle, sprained foot, partially torn achilles, concussion. Yay.

Belenos 10-08-2007 05:22 PM

Re: Time for the Stupidity Awards
Way to sound bad assed Banne. You realize you were under 14 for pretty much all of those incidents. And yes, it was I who helped break his leg. He could still walk, but he had the red line o' death creepin up. And the finger incident was pretty gross too. Especially the part where you were flapping it around and we could see bone sticking out. Thats always a good time. I cant say Ive done anything dumb. Except for when I separated my shoulder a week before prom... playing capture the flag. I lose.

Nubo 10-08-2007 08:25 PM

Re: Time for the Stupidity Awards
Well here is another ting for me to add.... But its not for me... its for the Dumb ass chick that pulled out in front of me that i hit..... TANKS FOR TOTALING MY F*&^%$ TRUCK YOU BITCH!!!!!

Ghryphen 10-09-2007 11:44 AM

Re: Time for the Stupidity Awards

Originally Posted by Nubo (Post 44153)
Yay!! Now i have something to put here... lol...
Ok... well today at work i Shoot a 16 penny nail throw my knuckle.... lol
At when i got to the Quick care to take care of it... i was there for 3 hours with this nail in my finger... lol..

Hah, yeah sounds familiar. After putting a pneumatic 1/8" punch through my thumb at work and then having to slide my thumb off the punch, the guy who drove me to the hospital in his rusted out, non-heated, rusted manual steering, flat bed pickup had to stop for gas and clean his fogged up windshield. Once at the hospital I had to fill out paperwork and pee in a cup before they even looked at my thumb. :gah:

Stang 10-09-2007 04:21 PM

Re: Time for the Stupidity Awards
I hurt myself everyday but not as bad as breaking things, yet.

When I was young was out playing with some friends and found a pipe so decided it would be cool to throw it to see how far it went. Didnt notice til after I threw it one end was sharp. Looked at my hand and a rush of blood started flowing. Freaked out ran inside and parents looked at it and noticed my middle finger had a large cut going down the lenght of my finger. Wrapped it up and went off to the hospital. Doctors were checking it out and decided I needed stitches. My dad always brought up how my face looked when they stuck the neddle in my finger to numb it up. Eyes got big and then I went to scream and nothing came out. Was cool to be little and be able to flip people off and not get in trouble because of the large bandage around the finger :D.

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