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RagingSamster 09-18-2007 06:48 AM

Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?

Very cool hobby, amazing photos.

Stoke 09-18-2007 08:26 AM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?

Originally Posted by Sam
Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?

Silver eats them....

Ghryphen 09-18-2007 09:05 AM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?

Stang 09-18-2007 04:16 PM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
My nephew sent a balloon up to Grandpa last week so thats where one went :D.

Amythaon 09-23-2007 01:40 PM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
When we lived on Adak Island (Alaska) during school on the 100th day of school we would take baloons and put little messages on the ends of them and release them into the sky. Always wondered if they even made if off the island.

Moomoomoo 09-24-2007 02:31 PM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
wow, you lived in alaska...

Amythaon 09-24-2007 03:26 PM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
Yeah when I was a little girl. Adak used to be a Naval Base where they did some top secret biological warfare testing back in the 80's (End of the Cold War for you youngsters) Was pretty interesting growing up there for a few years.

Stang 09-24-2007 04:33 PM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
I grew up in anchorage,alaska :) Still have family there but they are planning to move down here soon.

Amythaon 09-25-2007 10:40 AM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
Neat! Only was in Anchorage twice... once going to Adak when we moved out there... and once on the way back. I hear it's a beautiful place though... then again most of Alaska is if you like the "rugged" look.

How many years did you live there?

Stang 09-25-2007 04:09 PM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
About 10-12 yrs. Sure we would have stayed longer but dad got a better job offer down here.

Ya loved it there especially the snow cuz you knew every year it would return I miss that here doesnt snow as much as up there. And no matter your age the glaciers are just amazing.

Fatalle 09-25-2007 04:44 PM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
Our teachers would have us send balloons off in the air too. Wanna hear the scary part? The purpose of this activity was to 'meet new people' by aquiring a penpal. Which means, of course, that all of us little school children are writing our names, ages, favorite things, and addresses on these slips of paper to go off to god only knows where. Half of us should have been kidnapped by now.

Stang 09-25-2007 05:23 PM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
Omg :lol: I never thought of that thats just creepy. Wonder if they still do that and ever think of what they are sending up :).

Fatalle 09-25-2007 06:55 PM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
Okay never mind. I just rehashed the memory with my mother and she says I remember it wrong. She says the teachers had us put the school's address to write to us at, not our home addresses. Had it been my version I apparently would have been pulled out of that school so fast blah blah blah.

Amythaon 09-25-2007 07:30 PM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
lol Yeah I think we did the same thing with the little slips of paper. But seriously, even if someone does write the school, once you and the other person are writing back and forth you know the address was bound to come up, like they would ask where you live so they can write to you and not have to go through the school.. or you'd put your return address on it and aquire a stalker. Good thing living on that little dinky island the balloons probably never made it over any of the ocean they needed to go over. That and it was pretty darn cold the helium probably got too cold to stay up anymore.

My son had an earthquake drill today in school. We live in Western Washington. I mean I remember having earthquake drills in grade school living out in Alaska, but here? I never had them living here. This a new thing or anyone know about more recent drills like that being included in the schools nowdays? Living on that Island we had all sorts of drills... even Air Raid drills! (Was exciting as a little kid cause we were so close to Russia at the end of the Cold War this was included in the regular scheduled drills during the school year!)

Stang 09-26-2007 04:19 PM

Re: Ever wonder what happens to the balloons that get loose?
I noticed on the drills they do on tv for emergencies that happen right in the middle of a good show! That they have added this school season a drill for schools to get under their desks now or follow your designated route for the Mt. Rainer/St Helens drill.

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