Allied Tribal Forces

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SilverTalon 09-18-2008 06:05 AM

WAR Stories
Figured I'd write up a bit about our exploits last night.

Hopped on a bit later in the evening and hooked up with Swaddles and his buddy. We had us a group of Black Orc (Swaddly), Disciple of Khaine (moi) and a Goblin Shaman (who we will refer to as the unindicted co-conspirator). While they were about a level and a half ahead of me game-wise and light-years ahead of me in the "don't suck at games" category, we proceeded to go on our adventure.

Started with poking at the "lair' in the Dark Elf zone. Neat idea with the fancy boss right in the RvR area. Full-contact PvE since it's about halfway from both camps and the boss supposedly drops some nice gear. Unfortunately, it was either bugged or on a respawn...but we did find the triggers.

We then wandered over to the Greenskin vs. Dwarves area to find the lair there, and got into some pretty good dust-ups. While Destruction clearly holds a population advantage we smacked down groups that outnumbered us. Not so much because we're truly awesome, but because we coordinated well. Soaked up a bunch of renown seizing in the end all of the objectives in the area, and it felt very much like the old days of PS with the base caps. Swad had his "scream" macro worked out so it was fun watching him taunt the enemy when they inevitably ran away.

After pummeling the stunties, it was time to visit Chaos vs. the Empire. That was very clearly Destruction dominated as the Order groups never really ventured far from the safety of their war camp guards...and as quickly as they'd get pummeled into the ground when they did I couldn't blame them.

There were, however, a few things things that stood out for me that made the game really cool compared to WoW. First, healers get a relatively constant stream of Renown points for healing. Awesome. It does encourage you to stand in the back and just toss out heals to folks who need them, especially since you'll be the primary target.

Second, Swad spent the ENTIRE time running around with a sword and shield. In WoW, this is a death sentence in PvP. In WAR, it wasn't that awful. Yeah, our DPS at times was a bit slack with 2 healers and a tank, but overall Swad pummeled people fairly effectively and made sure that when things went pear-shaped for Order they didn't get to run away. Maybe he can swing by to give you his take on it...but still, the sheer fact that it's even possible to be effective that way is great.

Finally, the fights actually took time. Sure, if it's 3v1 you die pretty quickly...but what would you expect? When the numbers are even, there's really not that much "Oh hey, they're att-and I'm dead" unless your healers are asleep at the switch. In the early goings, healers seem very powerful indeed...but I'm told that changes at the higher levels. Looking forward to finding out.

Some things that could be better (the seemingly 100 yard knockback that ranged classes get is a bit much), but overall it was just a blast running around and smashing things.

Swad 09-18-2008 07:41 AM

Re: WAR Stories
I don't think I could have ever conceived of implementing tanking as well as they did in WAR. I can either be a meat shield or a respectable DPS'er while doing the whole sword and board routine. The use of guard and taunt mechanics are just perfect. Taking 50% damage from a specified friendly target helps a ton. I like that with taunting that I do more DPS if my taunted target chooses to ignore me. Ignore me and feel the pain. Don't ignore me and, well... good luck out damaging my armor and those healers over there buffing me right up.

Last night was a real hoot, though. Was fun going against larger numbers at times and winning out with superior tactics.

SilverTalon 09-18-2008 08:40 AM

Re: WAR Stories
You know, having not played a tank class to any real sort of level that's a simply brilliant mechanic for taunts.

Blizzard, when you're stealing ideas from WAR again...steal that one too...and the map. For the love of GOD steal the map.

fenwood 09-18-2008 10:00 AM

Re: WAR Stories
ohh you guys are just not nice not like i don't want the game really bad already now if possible i want it even more!

SilverTalon 09-18-2008 10:05 AM

Re: WAR Stories
When Swad does his scream emote, the Orc sticks out his bullneck and roars, slapping his shield with his sword.

Picture this chasing a small little dwarf running for it's life while Swad spams this emote. Instant classic.

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