Allied Tribal Forces

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Swad 01-29-2010 11:29 AM

Battlefield Bad Company 2
The beta got started yesterday for Battlefield Bad Company 2 (for PC and I think 360). I've been a big fan of the Battlefield series since the beginning and decided to pre-order it on PC to get into the beta. It took a little bit to get into since I've been mostly dormant on PC FPS games for a while. Overall, though, I'm really loving it. It has the overall classic Battlefield feel to it and of course nearly everything being destructible. Lots of good stuff about this game so far in spite of the bugs and quirks that come with it being a beta.

Anywho, are there any other ATF'ers who are going to be hitting this up on PC? I know the ATF PC FPS (holy acronyms, Batman!) crowd is nearly non-existent these days, but I figured I would check. I don't really do FPS games on consoles, so I didn't really even consider it there--I'm a PC purist when it comes to FPS games.

Ghryphen 01-29-2010 12:42 PM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
I'm getting it for Xbox. I'll probably play little multiplayer, mainly getting it for sp.

Grunt 02-14-2010 06:35 PM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
I just ordered it off of Steam and am downloading the beta now. Might as well play some real FPS now that I've gotten Windows 7 installed in bootcamp on my lovely macbook pro :)

Swad 02-14-2010 07:00 PM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
Hopefully it runs well for you. So far, this is the most demanding PC game I've run to date. A lot of people are having performance issues, *but* -- it is beta and they have said they have a lot of optimizations lined up that aren't in the beta yet. We'll see. That said, it's the most FPS fun I've had in years and am having an absolute blast with it.

Grunt 02-15-2010 01:10 PM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
Seems to run fine. This is pretty beefy for a laptop. But I have to say after playing for about 3 hours last night I'm not diggin it nearly as much as Modern Warfare 2 on my xbox. Either I suck using a mouse anymore for a FPS or maybe it's just that I forget how the BF games played..... I don't know. I mean I liked BF2 just fine.

Right now I'm almost wondering if Valve will let me cancel my preorder since it's not out yet so that I can pick up the Star Trek MMO instead.

Ghryphen 03-01-2010 03:34 PM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
I pre-ordered for Xbox. Will pick it up tomorrow.

Danerune 03-01-2010 05:38 PM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
Same it should be here tomorrow I hope.

Skillet 03-01-2010 06:45 PM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
Go XBox!

Danerune 03-01-2010 07:02 PM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
I hate Silver and Swad now. Everyone WANTED VERY BADLY to play with them on xbox but they are too good for us obviously.

Grunt 03-01-2010 07:57 PM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
Waiting for Steam to release the pre-load. And hell even I got the PC version this time!!!!

Swad 03-01-2010 07:58 PM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
Sorry, nothing against the XBox, but Swad + FPS + Gamepad = very bad mojo. I've spent almost 15 years perfecting the awesomeness that is me in PC FPS games and just can't bring myself to learn something new like a gamepad for an FPS game.

Grunt: Did you start liking it any as you went through the beta? I know you had a hard time getting into it in the beta--wasn't sure if it grew on you after playing a bit.

CannonBall 03-02-2010 12:07 AM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
Played for about 3 hrs.LOADS of fun,but I'm as bad at BC2 as i was at MW2. Can't wait to play with everyone.

Traded in 3 games, got BC2 for $1.79, so I'm happy about that.

SilverTalon 03-02-2010 04:18 AM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
Yeah, I'm with Swad on the platform issue. I've tried multiple console shooters over the years and while they can be fun and co-op is usually a blast, I have always hated the multi-player head-to-head. It was almost invariably a situation where I was having fun because of the people I'm around *in spite of*, not because of, the game. While I'm sure that would be the case if I got the Xbox version, I'd like a game that I stand a chance of enjoying even if nobody's around if I'm dropping new game money on it.

Also, the PC version has Hamma, the Gryphon voice stand-in.

Hamma 03-02-2010 07:20 AM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Originally Posted by SilverTalon (Post 59655)
Also, the PC version has Hamma, the Gryphon voice stand-in.

Indeed, and if this isn't a reason what is??

CDL Will also have a server..

Name: DragonWolves Lair Central Hardcore
Port: 19567

PC FTW! ;)

Grunt 03-02-2010 12:11 PM

Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2
Nice, I'm about to start my download. Will hop on the CDL server later tonight if I can find a spot ;)

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