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Ghryphen 04-18-2006 12:48 PM

*burp* Outage
If anyone noticed the website/teamspeak outage, it appears the datacenter is having heat issues, they are based in TX where it is supposed to be 101 degrees today and their air conditioning broke which is causing some havok.

CannonBall 04-18-2006 12:50 PM


Nizuttz 04-18-2006 01:34 PM

Fuck em, tell em to get that shit straight!

Stang 04-18-2006 04:07 PM

They have back ups for computers but they don't have a back up air conditioner? WTF!

TimberWolf 04-18-2006 05:07 PM

It's Texas, if they had back up for the AC then there would be no room for the computers.

CannonBall 04-18-2006 05:39 PM

Everything is bigger in Texas.... except the AC.

MagnoliaFly 04-18-2006 07:22 PM

Yet again, another reason we should give Texas to the mexicans.

AvengerX 04-18-2006 11:56 PM

Oh crap, you're busting on Texas. Better not let the TKB guys find out :lol:

Nizuttz 04-19-2006 04:20 AM

waiting for ardamir to get pissy.

TimberWolf 04-19-2006 04:29 AM

Hey! We took Texas from the Mexicans, we're not going to give it back! If we do we will have to return New Mexico, Arizona, parts of Oklahoma, and more. No more Las Vagas for us.

Nizuttz 04-19-2006 05:25 AM

Thats not true... we own Texas, and New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma and the others...

We wouldn't be saying "Hey Mexico here is all that land back we took, we feel really bad about that". It will be "Well we like all this land we took... except this piece... these people are retarded or something."

j/k we all love Texas... gas is good.

SilverTalon 04-19-2006 05:48 AM

Just for reference, Texas was not part of what we took from the Mexicans...the Texans fought their own war for independence (influenced by US "immigrants"), became their own nation and decided "We have no clue what the fuck we're doing" (a tradition they continue to this day) and joined the US.

An almost completely separate affair from the annexation that occurred after the Mexican-American war.

Nizuttz 04-19-2006 07:02 AM

who the fuck cares how it happened?

SilverTalon 04-19-2006 07:04 AM

Just saying we can give just Texas back. :p

TimberWolf 04-19-2006 07:04 AM

According to the Texas history tought in schools in Texas: Texas didn't have independence until the Mexican-American War which the Texans started. Texans had been fighting for representation in the Mexican Government first then were taxed without representation. Something similar to what Britain did to the Colonies. From there Texans decided to leave Mexico and join the US. The first appeal to join the US was ignored because the land was still Mexico's. Then after countless letters and news articles describing the "atrocities" the Mexican solders were doing to former US citizens caused Americans to start marching in groups to help formor Americans. From there the war for Independence began, with most of the heros coming from the US. Once the war began, the US people cried out for the US Government to step in and help. It was then the Mexican-American War began, with the US army marching around Texas claiming half of Mexico along the way and sending supplies and advisors to the Texas to aid in their advance. If it was just for Texas, then the US would never had attacked any other Mexican territory. The fact is that the US was greedy and wanted something in return for going to war, thus it took all the land between their claims in the East and West.

Then after all is said and done the US again refused to take Texas in because they saw it as something that would hurt their relations with the Mexican Government by taking their land into the union so soon. So Texas was forced to create its own Government and it regularly requested to join the US.

Did you know that Texas holds the right to seperate itself into up to 4 states, as long as one of the is called Texas and one of the has the Capital as Austin.

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