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CannonBall 06-07-2005 08:10 AM

WoW 1.5 Patch Notes

Ghryphen 06-07-2005 08:52 AM

I think they took druids out of the game...

Shoddy 06-07-2005 08:55 AM


- The Hinterlands has a new Horde quest hub known as Revantusk Village,
located on the eastern coastline. Horde players level 44-52 are
encouraged to visit Revantusk Village and assist the Revantusk with
their myriad problems and tasks!
Gah! There goes a convenient horde-light area.

Ghryphen 06-07-2005 09:14 AM

Awww yeah, I got in

DarkFact 06-07-2005 10:29 AM

yeah i should have the patch downloaded in 5-6 hours....

SilverTalon 06-07-2005 10:32 AM

I have it already. :) If gryphy wants me to, I can hook it up for everyone...I just lack the webspace...PM me Gryphly!

Stoke 06-07-2005 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Shoddy
Gah! There goes a convenient horde-light area.

Yeah...I spent several levels out there on the coast grinding t hose turtles with little or no Horde present.

SilverTalon 06-07-2005 10:48 AM

Blizzard doesn't care about the alliance, remember? I think if the Devs played for a couple of weeks on Mal'Goonis, you'd see a swathe of shaman nerfs as well as needed alliance improvements (i.e. - Menethil) that simply aren't as noticeable elsewhere because the populations are even or heavily skewed in favor of the alliance.

They'll never do that of course, because they're too comfortable in their ivory tower, but I don't think anyone could look at Menethil on MG and not say "Wow...that's incredibly stupid and lame that 2 and 3 players can completely disrupt other customer's play sessions with little to no recourse for the victims". Level 60 mages ganking 30 and 40s who just want to get to Kalimdor = ridiculous.

DarkFact 06-07-2005 10:53 AM

So i closed the downloader window by accident, and since it took me 40 min to get 2mb of the patch i threw a rack of 100 cd's into the wall only to find out it resumes where it left off....

Didn't like the color anyways.

Ghryphen 06-07-2005 10:55 AM

Here is the download

Lennith 06-07-2005 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by SilverTalon
They'll never do that of course, because they're too comfortable in their ivory tower, but I don't think anyone could look at Menethil on MG and not say "Wow...that's incredibly stupid and lame that 2 and 3 players can completely disrupt other customer's play sessions with little to no recourse for the victims". Level 60 mages ganking 30 and 40s who just want to get to Kalimdor = ridiculous.

yah i here you i hate getting killed 14 times or more by level 60 who think its kinda funny to gank a level 8 trying to get to Kalimdor or Iron forge. Honestly would it be two much trouble to put another direct travel route in from Kalimdor to maybe storm hold maybe a portal or something i hate wasting precious time in traveling, but then again if it wasn't frustrating any body could do it. :)


CannonBall 06-07-2005 11:35 AM

It's crazy!
Look at the Horde intercontinental routes and look at the Alliance. It's so lopsided. I hate this game! I'm never playing again!

See you tonight in BG!

Jadal 06-07-2005 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by CannonBall
It's crazy!
Look at the Horde intercontinental routes and look at the Alliance. It's so lopsided. I hate this game! I'm never playing again!

See you tonight in BG!

Want some crackers with that cheese? :drunk:

jruthless 06-07-2005 02:40 PM

No private forum access for Bakstabba. Guess I'll enjoy Season 5 of the Sopranos while I wait and pray that WoW lets me download this patch.

I'll take that cheese with my wine now, thank you. :D

Lennith 06-07-2005 03:14 PM

Any body else notice that the wolf kobabs taste different after this patch?

:urinal: :jester:

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