Allied Tribal Forces

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SlayerZero 07-28-2003 12:06 AM

My one and only reply to the Lasher situation.
This started off as a good thread

But I think you can all guess where it went from there. Here is what I had to say on the 6th page, I will never post again about our Lasher. I jsut get fed up slitening to dip shits try and make it back to VS killing days.

"I am so sick of listening to the morons on this board complain about hwo its "so uber" the hell it is.

Sence this game went public we as VS have been getting OWNED, why? because our weapons were sub-par in alot of ways to the other groups, and they even agreed with us. Now after getting things up to close to even we are taking all the heat and that pure CRAP!!!

We get constant complaints about the Mag, well guess what, try reading what Spork has said a million times, it has the "SAME" hit box as other tanks. The difference being that it can strafe, yet its slower and harder to control then even a Vanguard, yet the Vanguard isnt broken when I have ben hit behind a huge mother of a tree by one.

The pulsar got fixed and people bitched about that being to powerfull, yet tests showed that it was in the range of the other two and no more. Then there are Lancer bitchers, This thing isnt even line of sight, I get hit from farther away witha Striker then I can shoot with my Lancer.

Now we come to the HA weapons. We have had to put up with constant ownage by the other two factions for MONTHS and yet they wonder why every other VS has one now? How often did we find a Striker of JH on jsut about every TR or NC? Give it a few weeks adn the usage will go back down, it always does for new fixes. Poeple say its too strong, but yet cant a JH own huge groups of people up close and cant a MCG chew through things damn well? As for Hard target damage, ever try AP ammo as one poster said, probably not.

The VS has had to get good fighting with rocks and sticks, so when ever we get something good or at least fixed the others that owned our asses dont like it becasue we can now fight back and use some of what we had to learn before with a better weapon and be twice as effective. People dont think we got good and that skills make up for the difference, try giving an M16 to a person who ony ever shot a gun in basic and one that used other weapons all their life and see who shot it better.

The point is that if you coplain about how we use what we got then you only have the Devs and your selfs to blame for for this. The Devs for not making us on Par at the start, and the other factions for teaching us what we need to do to win and how to use what we got to the most effect. If you think Im wrong I couldnt care less due to the fact that I have been a VS from Day one of public and have used every weapon in the game and seen how the others use them too, if what they have done to us isnt worse then what we are doing back to them then your nuts!"

SmackDab 07-28-2003 08:01 AM

Good write up, but alas it falls on deaf ears. Truthfully, I bet no one cares that we are given the short end of the stick, as long as their JH's and Strikers still own us.

No kidding on Saturday night I was striker baby, I mowed down TR MAXes from way far away 3 hits, they die, what does our Lancer take 7 shots, with zero misses and one reload. BS if ya ask me.

EEK n IKE 07-28-2003 11:21 AM

I'm sick of this situation as well, been sick of it since I been getting owned with my Lasher.

Swad 07-28-2003 11:53 AM

Lancer takes exactly 6 shots unless by chance it's NC MAX with shield on, and it takes 1 more to pop that shield off. Considering the TR have their ammo come in a block of 3 and we have our in a block of 6, it takes the same "block" size to take down a MAX. You just need no aiming skills to do it with TR. aim around wildy, launch 2, and then lock on while launching that third (which is still done via aiming around wildly since lock-on takes NOTHING).

*BAM* *BAM* *BAM* dead

Shoddy 07-28-2003 12:02 PM

I believe it takes 4 strikers.

The lasher seems a bit much to me in its present state. I hope they try it with the rate of fire halfway in between and keep the fixed lashing.

JC 07-28-2003 12:52 PM

I think that the only reason the Lasher seems so powerfull, is because it is being ub3r spammed. Almost every single Vanu soldier has one it seems at times. Now I'm not saying it isn't a powerful weapon, but I still like the TR MCG and NC Jack Hammer in some situations more then the lasher.

The lasher stops working @ about 100yds I found out yesterday. The energy balls just dissipate and stop working. I like the MCG the most so far (cause I was mowing people down with it this afternoon ;)). The Jackhammer I've never liked using but then again I dunt like any shotguns really, however really unbeatable indoors.

I think the Lasher is fine where it is at. I feel we finally have a weapon up to par with the other Empire's weapons. The TR have a good Heavy Assult weapon, and a beyond good AV weapon. The NC have an average HA weapon and an average AV weapon. We have a good HA weapon, and a slightly below average AV weapon. All balances out imho, now stfu and play.

Oh and the complaints about it being versitle, BS Those slow ass energy balls aren't blowing up crap unless it is standing still. A MCG or Jackhammer w/ AP rounds would do the same thing and probably better.

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