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SilverTalon 10-02-2006 04:18 PM

DoW Trailer for Dane

Oct. 9th is the supposed release date. :D

Cass 10-02-2006 08:29 PM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
Is it multiplayer?

SilverTalon 10-02-2006 09:17 PM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
It has multiplayer, yes. Up to 8 players if memory serves.

Nothing new since WC3 did that too as I recall...but after that expansion, Dawn of War will have 7 different factions to play. :eek: Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines (which actually play differently, especially at the high end), Eldar (think elves), Orks (greenskins ftw!), Imperial Guard (the poor bloody infantry), Necrons (think...Terminators) and the Tau (um...not sure a good description here...Anime Space Hippies).

Very good RTS, interesting concepts and I'm looking forward to the changes that the new expansion will bring, as they're adding things like map-driven campaigns and a few other new features that would normally be reserved for a new version of a game and not an expansion.

More info at:


SilverTalon 10-03-2006 06:53 AM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
As I said last night in guild chat....


and the Imperial Guard's new unit....

Keep in mind that the Imperial Guard's fearsome battlecry, much like Cannonball, is "NOT THE FACE!! NOT THE FACE!!"

Stoke 10-03-2006 06:58 AM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane

Originally Posted by SilverTalon (Post 37459)
As I said last night in guild chat....


I believe the word used was "Joygasm".......

SilverTalon 10-03-2006 06:59 AM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
Indeed. :D Given that I have 70+ painted Grey Knights sitting not six feet from my computer awaiting my lazy ass moving them downstairs to the display case...I'm a big fan. :)


Stoke 10-03-2006 07:01 AM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
Hmmmm.... you might actually need to get outside a bit more...:yup:

SilverTalon 10-03-2006 07:18 AM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
3 Attachment(s)
The scares me... :cry:

My WoW hobby is only surpassed by my Warhammer hobby. I could sell my models on eBay and buy a car...seriously. However, there's some really good stuff among my later efforts (early on I sucked worse at painting than I suck at WoW).

See attachments for a few examples (it's Tuesday, I'm bored)

The one is a Chaos Warrior from Warhammer Fantasy. He's mostly finished, just a few details and a matte finish were added. The one with the archers is a Warmaster strip. I only painted three of them thus far, but each strip has 8 archers on them...and yes, that is US dime that's bigger than them. Then there's a Space Marine Strike Cruiser from Battlefleet Gothic. Really like how they turned out...

I have some more pictures lying around, but I'm not THAT bored...

Banne 10-03-2006 08:23 AM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
Fuck Silver. I thought you were a nerd BEFORE this

jesus christ, go get laid.

SilverTalon 10-03-2006 08:25 AM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
Hey! Does this say *ane? NO! It says Dane... ;)

Stang 10-03-2006 04:21 PM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
Can I take my bat I made and bash those? It would be fun :). Ill take pictures.

SilverTalon 10-03-2006 05:39 PM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
No. :p

Verra 10-10-2006 05:04 PM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
Vicious is a Warhammer 40K fan....but has no one to play with. I hold the record of 1 victory for the only time he bribed me to play and i want to hold that title. I will have to look for some of the pictures of his characters he painted.

Stang 10-10-2006 05:27 PM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
Hows the little family coming? :)

Verra 10-12-2006 04:22 PM

Re: DoW Trailer for Dane
The little family is growing, I am 26 weeks along and due in mid January. Everybody is health and so far only have gained 12 pounds. Looking for baby furniture and space in our apartment to add the extra furniture. Going to start early and train the bundle of joy to be a WOW fisher.:D

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