Allied Tribal Forces

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Ardamir 11-20-2004 11:42 AM

Population Drop
The population on PS has dropped to where its basically just me, Duel, and Baowolf. Its boring. I can understand ppl leaving for WoW Beta but I dont know if I want to countinue my subscription if everyone is going to go to other games. Duel basically said the same thing, if your friends arnt there, the game just isnt near as fun.

Ghryphen 11-20-2004 02:12 PM

It goes through its cycles. There are a ton of games that all just became available that have easily just bumped previous top ten games from their roost for 2004.

I am going to get WoW, can't say how long it will last. Lineage lasted 2 months, eq2 a week, swg 6 months but I still came back to PS. PS is still on the top of my list of games to play. But the same reason I dropped those other games is the same reason you are considering now, no friends to play with, so my interest in WoW will depend on the interest of others.

It is also the holiday months, this time of year always sees a drastic drop in players.

Grunt 11-20-2004 03:58 PM

Heh, I've had my subscription reupped for the past 3 months and about 3 times is all ive played. Don't really know why though.

KWood 11-21-2004 09:08 AM

I re-activated my PS account. I don't know how long I will be able to fight AI nme's in WoW. Furthermore, I don't log that many game hours. A Quest driven game may not be for me.....I like the quick hits.

PsychomanX 11-21-2004 11:17 AM

I played some today.

Levo 11-21-2004 03:05 PM

I have no dezire to even play PlanetSide any more.. Levo's account is due to die on the 27th... To me it was getting monotonous(Tediously repetitious or lacking in variety) If ya know what I mean. BFR's didn't do it for me.

Bye PS...I not comming back...

Stang 11-21-2004 04:30 PM

Im going to keep my PS going as much as I can I'm not going to give up on it. But I will probably play WoW also.

Like Gryphon said when the holidays come around it gets slow around here. That is another reason for it being lacking. There have been a few times I've wanted to play last week but been really busy with family and getting some xmas shopping out of the way. Then when I get home I just want to relax.

Like all games PS is going thru its spurt and will regain after awhile, probably not til after the holidays though, seems thats the way its always been around here. But I will try to be around a little more between things if I can. Miss playing with you all :).

duel 11-28-2004 05:23 AM

Hello all, hope your Thanksgiving was great, I ended up working all weekend so couldn't be on PS much. I'm going to stick with PS for now, I'm to old and slow to learn another game like WoW so I'll be waiting for your return. Levo, it was a pleasure playing with you in planetside, even though your not going to come back make sure you drop in ts and give us a shout. I know the BFR's changed the game, but playing solo most of the time makes me glad I have it. :usa:

Levo 11-28-2004 07:12 AM

Yea Duel, were gonna miss playing with you as well..It was nice to know that there are layed back people such as your self in games like PS. Cannonball and I are always scheeming on how to get Duel to come over to WoW.. We won't give up untill you submit to the sheer pressure of our demands!:devil:

Stang 11-30-2004 04:48 PM

Hehe I was just going to say "when we gonna get Duel to come play WoW with us". It feels weird you not being around Duel as your always fun to play with. Same with you Ardamir when ya comin over :). Ill still come around PS but probably not much until after the holidays as all the xmas shopping and stuff, and the WoW thingy :).

We will still try to get ya to come play though :D. If I can play it you can, its easy.

Don't be a stranger come around! Peer Pressure begin! :D

Ardamir 11-30-2004 05:30 PM

I dont have the $$$ and I dont want to leave Duel all alone :P

Levo 12-01-2004 06:34 AM

If you pressure them. They will come:)

Stang 12-01-2004 04:28 PM

I heard from someone that Duel is thinking of coming over :).

xenophex 12-03-2004 06:54 AM

I'm back from vacation so its will be you, Duel, Baowolf and ME!
DeathAdder is playing WoW too. I was going to take a break but now I have my new card and another gig of ram Wooo whooo!

Stang 12-03-2004 04:01 PM


Let Adder know what server we play on but I get the feeling he is playing Horde :).

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