Allied Tribal Forces

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SilverTalon 05-18-2005 06:53 AM

Since we're in the midst of Star Wars fever...
Figured I'd draw your attention to an upcoming strategy game set in the Star Wars universe. :) This game is supposedly going to deal with the time between Episodes 3 and 4 (the new movie and the first one) and have both ground and space battles...think I remember reading somewhere that there might be some scenarios with both simultaneously (a la Hoth in the movies with the ground attack + Imperial bombardment). Slated for release in Fall 2005.

Looks super-schweet atm...and I'm a big Star Wars dork because I can identify most of the ships. :) IGN seems to have the most screenshots, so I'm linking to them for favorite pictures are the ones with the TIE Crawler (the tank with a TIE fighter chassis) and the shot with the Imperial Star Destroyer flanked by a Victory Star Destroyer and an Interdictor. :) The only thing that's missing out of these screenshots that NEEDS to be in there is mah baby, Executor. Something about giant Star Destroyers justs makes me happy. I mean, Stang & Gryph are up there...but Executor....mmmmmmmmm...

Yeah...Star Wars nerd. :D

TimberWolf 05-18-2005 03:42 PM

I have been keeping an eye on this game for several months now. Looks awsome so far, and well done. But I will hold final judgement till it comes out.

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