Allied Tribal Forces

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insaneferret 03-30-2003 05:02 AM

saw your outfit in the PSU database and it looked the best to me, how do i join

from houston TX used to play alot of T2, mostly playing BF1942 these days though, waiting for PS, will be playing as a pilot/agile armor assault

:shoot6: :shoot2:

jonnyb 03-30-2003 06:48 AM

well there are multiple clans that make up this larger outfit. for example im from Tappa Kegga Brew, but there is also THZ, x-men, and los among others. i think you just ask the CO of the clan u want in then u will be in here.... i think thats how it works heh.

insaneferret 03-30-2003 11:48 AM

so once the game goes gold are all of these ppl going to be in the one ATF outfit, or will they be separate, because i saw TKB on the PSU outfit database as well as ATF but none of the others were there

:bounce: :shoot3:

DaRB 03-30-2003 11:54 AM

we'll all be under the ATF umbrella, i believe TKB was on there as we'll most likely play on other servers as well. but ATF is going to be playing US Central.

does that help answer you question?

insaneferret 03-30-2003 12:10 PM

yea, thanks for the info, man i cant wait for this game to come out, i check PSU for new info like 3 times a day

Maz 03-30-2003 12:11 PM

THZ(T1 and T2), SoUP(T2 and BF1942), LoS(T1, T2 and BF1942), XMEN(T1 and T2) and TKB(not sure) are all Tribes clans that all united to make one big ATF clan.

Spinning Hat 03-30-2003 12:18 PM

Ok, so Johnny and Darb have done a great job of explaining things so far. Your best experiance would be to join one of the member tribes, and then you're automatically in ATF.

A little Overview of ATF: We're a group of affiliated Tribes clans that have formed this alliance to create the Allied Tribal Forces outfit in planetside.

Basically, we're like a templayers guild in T2, like the Dragon Talon Mercenaries. ([DTM]) Basiclly we like to have people in ATF from member tribes, but when we have independents coming in, we like to encourage tribal membership first, and we also let them know that we do have an Indie squad if you do not want to join any other Tribes.

Tribal membership is usually easier than ATF membership, but we like having fun loving respectful individuals here. We have some peeps in beta, so we're getting a really good understanding of how things work in the game.

If you're interested in checking out some member clans, I've got some links for you; <-- XMEN site <-- THZ* site <-- LoS site <-- DTM site <-- SouP site

If you have more questions, you can post them here, or you can Email me at

Ashaman 03-30-2003 03:05 PM

What about TKB, Hat?


Dionisus 03-30-2003 04:00 PM

Maz 03-30-2003 04:07 PM

happy now Asha :)

Spinning Hat 03-30-2003 05:44 PM

I figured TkB had already pt in a link... I didn't read very closely. :/

Ashaman 03-31-2003 02:34 AM

No, Maz, I'm not happy now.

SmackDab 03-31-2003 08:29 AM

Speaking from a Houston area TKBer, hell about 10 of us are here in Houston area. We'd be honored to have ya if ya meet our recruitment criteria. Not too strict at all, mostly an age thing.

Check us out at

We're prob going to have a few LANs at my house if the bandwith isn't too great from the client side, hope to get 10 or so on the cable line, man that would rock for some combined assaults and some beer guzzlin! Not to forget a huge pot of chicken and sausage gumbo!

PsychomanX 03-31-2003 09:10 AM

argh . Farkin dialup I hate it..

I just posted this once but it wasnt my turn to have a packet from earthlink so I lost my whole reply in page not found error.. ARGH..

Anyways.. I will have to make a TKB lan but on other hand were closer to starting this Wireless ISP so I may be tied down here for like next year running this.. But that would also mean we are prime candidate for hosting a Lan here in Colorado springs then we could all play planetside and hot have a bandwidth issue at all. THe basement here is hugemungous. Room for about 35 and it has its own kitchen.. Kids bedroom has 4 beds in it and there is also extra bedrom upstairs. Send kid to neighbors to stay the night.. We could do a TKB garden of the Gods pic shoot.. LOL just show the flatlanders around some.. Depending on who comes out and how long there here we could goto royal gourge and check out that.. Dunno or just play the whole time. LOL

DaRB 03-31-2003 10:54 AM

if you makes the gumbo, freeze me a cube and mail it up here foo!!!!!!!!

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