Allied Tribal Forces

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Ghryphen 07-01-2003 12:11 PM

Liberator this week?

We're hoping for the Liberator this week. I'm really hoping for the Liberator this week so I don't have to type, "We're hoping for the Liberator this week," ever again.

Platoons are still in design, so we aren't ready to even approach and ETA on them. Different chat colors were never announced, so I can't say anything on that. The Galaxy crosshairs is a high priority but no info as to its fix.

TimberWolf 07-01-2003 12:19 PM

He said "We're hoping for the Liberator this week" the past two weeks. Don't hold your breath.

Splidz 07-01-2003 12:19 PM

Damnit these updates are coming too slow. We're supposed to expect new areas when it takes them 3 weeks for one measly new vehicle? The new updates that were supposed to take two weeks (including the Liberator, facility benefits, etc.) were posted on the 11th of last month. That's like 3 weeks ago now...and all we've gotten is the Skyguard and a minor gameplay change (the no-hack-leapfrogging thing).

Ghryphen 07-01-2003 01:56 PM

I would like updates, but I would also like them spread out. If they release new stuff every month they will burn through everything 6 months in. I would rather they took their time so that there are updates to look forward to for a while.

Splidz 07-01-2003 02:41 PM

I don't think there's any limit to the amount of updates they could do, that's the thing. I want them to get things solid so they can start releasing new areas (orbital bases?), new units (naval warfare?), stuff like that. I want them to ramp up the release of that stuff so we have new and important stuff to look forward to all the time. A new unit every few weeks just doesn't cut it.

I'm still optimistic the good stuff will start coming quicker though.

Stang 07-01-2003 05:45 PM

Rush them and things are going to get shittier to the point were we cant play the game. Im all for waiting a bit so they get the stuff right and not have to patch every freakin day to fix stuff.

Get use to it it happens in every game :p .

IamRascal 07-01-2003 08:29 PM

I give em a hand
Remember people this is the FIRST game of its kind. MMOFPS. Personally I think Sony is doing a fine damn job with it. The fact that they update is a godsend, but of course that's what your 12 and change is paying for everymonth. Online massive games require a lot of time commitment and design, you don't want to release a major bug or exploit out to thousands of subscribers so stuff like this takes time.

Give em a break

If you live for updates go play EQ you get levels often and with every level you get new skills and there are tons of classes to choose from (I hope I've gotten annoying :) ) plus hundreds of areas. I used to play EQ, but I'm better now hehe...

enjoy the game, don't live for updates, and keep sparp pointy things away from people that are high on the voicecom :)

that's my 2/100 of a dollar

SlayerZero 07-01-2003 11:09 PM

I could wait for the updates, but only if they were steadily fixing the current problems in game. They arnt, so I say give us new stuff more often.

Its always a problem that they dont fix the small stuff thats all over and put WAY too mcuh into getting the new crap out and then having it screw up the old stuff and make things worse. I persoanlly say lets see a weekly bug fix update on the current issues and then I can wait for a mothly or longer content update.

But sence our opininons mean jack and shit, who cares what I say.

Stang 07-02-2003 04:29 PM

We will get updates when we get em so shut up now :p hehe.

Yes we need updates now for stuff but whatcha gonna do? :bang:

Your all still having fun with the game :p .

SlayerZero 07-03-2003 07:11 AM

getting bored rapidly actually, not enough action going on at any one time. Its really boring if none of the group is on much and for the next few weeeks its going to be really boreing as people are away on vacation or moving (Hat).

IamRascal 07-03-2003 10:28 AM

I think what would provide more action is more communication with other outfits for organized continental take overs. I remember the one night we had about 3 outfits running for one continent. Massive battle.....beautifull battle. Also issuing formal challenges to other empires would work.

We will be attacking from such and such to such and such on a certain date, be prepared for our insertion.

You gotta get em coming at you.

Also, my problem at least is that I'm on the east coast and you west coast peeps don't really get into it till about 3 or 4 am my time.

I like the game however and like the fact that it's not slaughter all the time. Sometimes I just like small battle with about 20 people going for a tower. It's still fun.

SlayerZero 07-03-2003 10:56 AM

Us playing at 3-4am is better then you damn east coasters playing while we are at work, and then getting tired and goign to bed when we just got

The thing about other outfits si taht I could care frigging less about running with them, I didnt join them, I join ATF and want to run with ATF poeple. Its finding a big enough group to ATTACK that is the problem. Lattly its been a crap shoot to see if you can fight over 10 people for a base sone times, then getting more then 2 other zerg to help you fight them. The sever pop is jsut too damn low, I think they need to fire the marketing people and get some in that will really push ideas for game sales.

Ghryphen 07-03-2003 11:12 AM


Originally posted by SlayerZero
Us playing at 3-4am is better then you damn east coasters playing while we are at work, and then getting tired and goign to bed when we just got
Haha I know :lol: I get in a game with SH and am like "Sweet, I can rest my feet, Galaxy pilot is here!" I get one ride and then he quits :(

Coachman 07-03-2003 11:54 AM

I think a lot of people went of to try SWG or others are on vacation. I hate to say it....but I think I liked this game a lot better when most of our continients were being assaulted(I'm still having fun). It almost seems like the top NC and TR have taken a vacation.

However, I do think when liberator goes in plus NTU's at towers, Planetside will get a breath of fresh air. I see more outside fighting determining the outcome of a battle. Both base and towers will have to make ant runs, which will open things up to supply line raids.

Ghryphen 07-03-2003 12:08 PM

I'm still just as interested in the game as I have always been.

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