Allied Tribal Forces

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Codsworth 04-25-2005 06:31 AM

A Message To All
Dear Anybody,

If you would like to kidnap me, then please go right ahead. I can vacuum and I have a dog that's awsome. I can't do backflips yet, but that dosn't mean I wont be able to in the future.

I get off work around 3:30. You could do it then or when I take out the trash on Saturday mornings, around eight o'clock. But I go right back to bed after I take out the trash--so you probably won't see me outside till later in the afternoon. Sometimes my dog and I wrestle outside on the front lawn, but we don't have a set time for that kind of stuff. You could just wait across the street in a van or black Cadillac and strike whenever. Or, you could send me a signal, maybe a note taped to the dog, that tells me where and when and then I'll make sure to be there and go limp when you start chasing me. Is that cool?

Hope to be hearing from you,
your future roommate,


Jadal 04-25-2005 08:34 AM

lol I would but I dont have the time to pick a town at random and wait for a boy to start playing with his dog.

Try pinning a red carnation to your shirt. That way I may not get thrown in jail for nabbing the wrong person.


Spinning Hat 04-25-2005 08:36 AM

*pssst* 4PM Main Entrance to the airport terminal. Be packed, and don't make a scene...

Stang 04-25-2005 04:10 PM

Can I take just the dog? :)

Verra 04-25-2005 07:08 PM

well will you pay rent? I think i can clear a spot in the small closet for a bed. Food is what you can wrestle away from the rat that is currentally living in the spot....we need to evict him because he is 3 months behind on rent. He even said that he would pay rent, last time i believe a rat.

ummm yeah can't have the dog we are already at pet limit.....unless you can sneak him in as another person that is really furry, short, has not learn english yet

Poohpoptdgka 04-29-2005 03:52 PM

:nono: Bullshit buddy. I kidnapped you fair and square from that deli 6 years ago so you can just forget about this "getting kidnapped by a rich family and reuniting Blink 182" idea you have. it's not going to happen. You were kidnapped for sweeping and sweeping is what you will do. Now keep that dog out of my room or i'll have to send him off to live on a farm...if you know what i mean... don't forget the trash tomorrow...

Stang 04-29-2005 04:12 PM

Run Cosworth Run!!!!

jruthless 05-01-2005 06:09 PM

Fucking Hilarious!!!

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