Allied Tribal Forces

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Skillet 09-13-2008 09:17 AM

Server / Faction
I know little to nothing about the Warhammer world, but a pvp based change sounds interesting right now. Please post any ideas on factions and a server here.

Danerune 09-13-2008 10:14 AM

Re: Server / Faction
I prob going to go on the same server as Muzo a lot of ex ATF will be playing with him so it sounds ok.

SilverTalon 09-13-2008 10:31 AM

Re: Server / Faction
I'll likely be on Sylvania or Skull Throne for Destruction.

For Order...mmmm....probably Volkmar.

I'll let you know tomorrow where I end up. :p

Ghryphen 09-14-2008 04:02 PM

Re: Server / Faction
Looks like Lords of Steel might be Destruction on Skull Throne too.

SilverTalon 09-14-2008 04:50 PM

Re: Server / Faction
That is indeed where I ended up based on my scientific research of "Which server lets me in first?!?!" :)

Seems to be a good bit of back and forth so far. Reason #1 Skillet should roll Destruction here:

I was in the first scenario and got into a fight with an Order mongrel with the guild tag of <Goon Squad> :p

SilverTalon 09-14-2008 06:37 PM

Re: Server / Faction
1 Attachment(s)
Adding photographic evidence for Mr. Skillbits to KNOW he can gank goonies...

Swad 09-15-2008 10:26 AM

Re: Server / Faction
Saddly, I guess I won't be making it to where ATF is playing this time again for a game, but it's not because I didn't somewhat try. But there was really no coordination it seems from anyone anywhere and I'm not even certain from what I read that ATF is going to have a real WAR chapter. I have been playing beta with some guys I have known from before I knew ATF and one of them with the CE started on Vortex as Destruction. He more or less used the same logic as ST (yay! no line on this server!). As early as it is, seems he doesn't want ot hop servers and the other two are planning to just join there as well.

Oh well, I guess at least I'm the same faction this time if any server transfers need to happen way down the line. I would like to play with ATF, but I already committed to playing with these guys to get a rounded group going (and they are good friends of old... hate being torn between my online playing friends).

Ghryphen 09-15-2008 10:33 AM

Re: Server / Faction
Destruction on Skull Throne sounds like my choice, if I were to even play.

Ghryphen 09-15-2008 11:26 AM

Re: Server / Faction
BTW, fill in your profile information.

Levo 09-15-2008 09:18 PM

Re: Server / Faction
Skull Throne server huh? I will see you there tomorrow I'm rolling a shaman.

SilverTalon 09-16-2008 05:33 AM

Re: Server / Faction
Look for Cynia.around 6PM and later. :) I'm terribly unoriginal with my names...

I'm thinking about re-rolling a Disciple of Khaine though so that I can play with youse guys (and I suck at a Witch Elf , even if I have a lot of fun being bad at it :)).

Levo 09-16-2008 07:08 AM

Re: Server / Faction
Server is full...199-214 we going to call this home?

SilverTalon 09-16-2008 07:32 AM

Re: Server / Faction
There was no line when I tried to get in last night. Have a feeling you're seeing the crush of people who just got "OMG ACCESS!" who are charging in. This will probably repeat itself on the 18th with the people who are like....well, "OMG ACCESS!!"

If it stays ugly we can move though, but I'd prefer non-skewed numbers to work with. ;)

Levo 09-16-2008 09:03 AM

Re: Server / Faction

SilverTalon 09-16-2008 09:16 AM

Re: Server / Faction
Ouch :/ Still would prefer a wait and see approach since the launch of any game is crazy as people settle out.

Of course, the first day of the CE pre-launch was nuts too. Got kicked out at 9:45PM and it was about a 20 minute wait to get back on. Then like I said, 0 wait last night at about 6PM.

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