Allied Tribal Forces

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Ghryphen 04-30-2012 11:15 AM

Tribes: Ascend, how to let others know you are playing
Here are some methods to show people you are playing Tribes: Ascend outside of the game.

1. Xfire, will watch your computer processes for the Tribes executable and will let your friends know when you are playing.

2. Raptr, similar to Xfire. If you have had Tribes: Ascend installed since beta it may not detect the game, I had to uninstall and re-install the game in order for it to be detected.

3. Steam, add the game to your Games Library as a non-steam game, edit the properties of the game link and change the Target and add game=200 product=10 to the end of the target so you have something like "D:\Program Files (x86)\Hi-Rez Studios\HiRezLauncherUI.exe" game=200 product=10, now launch the game from Steam whenever you play and your Steam friends will see that you are playing.

4. Join TeamSpeak 3 with server and jump on the T:A channel :)

Find me on Xfire as thzgryphon, on Raptr as ***** and on Steam as *****rc.

0ri0n 05-04-2012 07:41 AM

Re: Tribes: Ascend, how to let others know you are playing
Thanks Gryphon. Just headed back out to sea but I will do that when I get back. Need to load TS on my new computer and this is a good reminder.



Grunt 07-07-2012 07:50 AM

Re: Tribes: Ascend, how to let others know you are playing
Actually it's available on Steam now as well. I finally installed and played for like 30 mins. Man I suck, but then again unlike most of you I didn't play the original Tribes games much either :)

I'll have to remember to hop on TS next time.

Oh and what's everybody's in-game name? Mine of course is SOBGrunt.

Ghryphen 07-07-2012 01:37 PM

Re: Tribes: Ascend, how to let others know you are playing
Gryphon & Stang, here are some more The XMEN Clan Forums :: View topic - Tribes Ascend Player Names for Friends List

Hot Damn has been on TS a lot. Monday nights are TA night.

I uninstalled and installed the Steam one.

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