Allied Tribal Forces

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Spinning Hat 09-20-2002 08:20 AM

New PS FAQ is up over at <a href="">HomeLan</a>

Go check it out!

TimberWolf 09-20-2002 11:56 AM

Its not a FAQ, its a Q&A.

You brought my hopes up just to let me fall flat.

Spinning Hat 09-20-2002 12:31 PM

hehehe.... sorry... kinda brain dead today....

TimberWolf 09-20-2002 06:54 PM

I want my free time back!!! I miss playing games, but study for school takes to much time.

Spinning Hat 09-20-2002 09:50 PM

I feel your pain, d00d.

TimberWolf 09-21-2002 06:38 PM

Next semester I should have less classes so I should have more spare time that I can put into games. Right now the only games I play are on my cell phone waiting for the Professor to come into the class room.

Spinning Hat 09-22-2002 07:04 PM

ROFL.... I play Tac Ops on my Laptop waiting for the instructor.... But I will have more classes next Semester.... :(

SirDiesalot 09-22-2002 07:20 PM

i had very few classes last quarter...i'm going to have a much heavier load this quarter...starts on the 30th.

mmm the lan is going to be sew much f |_| |\|!

TimberWolf 09-23-2002 06:40 PM

I have not been to the lan nor can I come to it this year. Maybe in a couple of years when I move out of my parents house and onto campus I may go.

Spinning Hat 09-23-2002 07:31 PM

:( That's too bad.... It's gonna be SO much fun!

Freebird 09-24-2002 09:17 PM

*sigh* The wait is nearly unbearable. It's like deja the wait with T2.

Would be nice if they would say something at least.....

Spinning Hat 09-25-2002 08:06 AM

I know it..... There was a really big to do on the site there for a while, to genereate interest, and now there's nothing going on....

TimberWolf 09-25-2002 07:01 PM

I think they are doing a good job at killing interest right now.

Spinning Hat 09-27-2002 08:55 PM

I know it, and it's startin to bug me... But the new Patch for T2 has taken my mind off it, and boy, is it nice..... I'mreally loving Tribes2 witht the final patch. Much better fps, everything is smoother, new maps, and Team Rabbit 2 is a blast!

TimberWolf 09-28-2002 11:35 AM

I have not even installed T2 since I reloaded my computer with WinXP. I have not had time to play at all, and I still need to get a computer program done by tuesday and study for my Government exam on tuesday. I am also trying to find a time were me and Gambit can get together so he can give me DVD software for my DVD rom that I got off my brother (I can't find my software at all in my messy desk).

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