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Old 02-13-2003, 07:49 AM   #6
Walks on Clouds
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If every single one of us signs up, I think we have a decent chance of getting a man in.

There is another thing I've been thinking about, regarding certs and stuff, I'd like some feedback on.

You are allowed to have four characters on any server for any copy of the game. I presume that each of these characters must have different names. I also presume that many of s will want to have several characters, specialized in different areas. Now to my question, should we employ or even allow a naming convention?

Say that I would like four characters; a soldier, a pilot, a medic/tech and a groundvehicle driver. Should I name these characters accordingly, i.e. THZWoCGrunt, THZWoCPilot, THZWoCMedic, THZWoCDriver? The pros to this choice are mainly that teammates can readily see what character I'm playing, they don't have to learn that THZWoC1 is the pilot, THZWoC2 is the medic, and so on. My concern is that the enemy, using an advanced targetting implant, will also be able to readily identify me as for ex. a medic, and thus kill me first.

Feedback? Give me your thoughts.
<img src="" alt="/THZ*WoC"></img>
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