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Old 04-16-2005, 01:18 PM   #1
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Codsworth and I went to Denny's on Saturday morning around 1:00 in the a.m. Poohpoptdgka came too. For those who are not familiar, Poohpoptdgka is the squishy gnome mage that recently left ATF for Strife (I still love em like a brother, but please feel free to bombard him with whisper messages telling him to get back with ATF).


We went to Denny's, and this was long before we had any alcohol in our system.

Ever see that episode of Family Guy? "Let's not go to that Denny's. Let's go to the good one." ? Truer words were never spoken.

Our waitress arrived, a woman so old and unstable she makes Estelle Getty want to break down and sob uncontrollably.

The sampler was nothing, but a basket of sarrow drowned in grease. The onion rings were molded into what looked like alternater belts from automobiles, and the cheese sticks transformed into a mush the moment human hands made contact.

The drinks arrived as scheduled, but the refills were far inbetween. The crew from Flight of the Phoenix saw more fluids then we did that morning.

The morning of woes did not end when the main meal was placed on the table. No complaints were found for my meal(come on people, it's almost imposslbe to mess up eggs on toast). Codsworth seemed a little pissed about the lack of gravy on his end, and Pooh was just happy to have buffalo wings.

The waitress was only on time the whole evening with the bill. Codsworth offered to SPLIT it with Poohpoptdgka (HA! SPLIT! STRIFE! I didn't find it that funny either...just kidding, I laughed my ass off. Codsworth is a funny guy.).

After an evening of terrible service the biggest surprise was yet to come. Codsworth and Poohpoptdgka tipped the terrible service. I am all about leaving behind a good tip when it is due, but tonight was definately not the night (Feel free to whipser message me and tell me about how bad pay is for waitresses. This one didn't deserve it.).

With the evening at an end, Codsworth, Poohpoptdgka, and I went back home to drink beer and watch "Every Which Way But Loose" starring Clint Eastwood and Clyde the Orangutan.

I hope you enjoyed the read.

See you all on WoW

Strife Sux,


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