Thread: Hello from WH!
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Old 07-18-2006, 03:52 PM   #1
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Hello from WH!

I know I've been slacking... hehe Samanda reminded me I should do this, so here I am saying hi to all of you in ATF!

Thank you so much for attending our raid on Saturday, I think we all had an alot of fun and we got some good loot out there for people who attended. I hope to see many of you next raid on Saturday July 22nd.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Amythaon, gm of WinterHearted, and for those who haven't already done so, our site is please feel free to visit/register etc etc etc.

I know many of us aren't into using dkp, dealing with dkp, keeping track of dkp or earning it. I myself am reluctant to do so. I would like to start for the zg/aq20 runs on Saturdays, but do want to keep it as simple as possible for all parties involved and as fair as can be managed. The main reason for this is because I want to get the practice in for myself in dealing with one and especially my guild members in using one so when we do hit the 40 man runs, I'm not struggling to work out bugs as well as dealing with new raiding drama that seems to naturally come with the 40 man instances.

I would like to meet and talk with your leading members or at least the ones who will be attending raids with WH regularly to discuss some of the ideas I'm bouncing off my own officers. I would also suggest we have one ATF member and one WH member keeping track of the numbers and meeting mid week (between the runs) to do kinda a checks and balances system so as to eliminate as much human error as possible.

Please feel free to contact me either email, in game, wh forums, or whatever other means you can come up with lol as this is the "communication" era and options are seemingly limitless these days.

Again, I look forward to seeing many of you in raid again on Saturday and thank you to all those who were there last Saturday!

~ Amythaon
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