Thread: Hello from WH!
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Old 07-18-2006, 04:44 PM   #3
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Re: Hello from WH!

Hey Amy! Yeah, it was great fun on Saturday...kinda sucks that I'll be missing this Saturday's...but then again I'll be in Brazil so don't feel TOO bad for me.

Just wanted to let you know we're keeping up with you and not ignoring ya.

Discussions about these sorts of things as soon as possible sounds great, as that will help avoid drama in the future. I can't speak with any authority about who/when that will happen (since I'm not the "leader"...I'm just the most talkative officer), but I'm sure one or the other of our officers will be in touch with you guys soon to set up a time to meet about that.

In the meantime, if you want to get a listing of our officers, just point your web browser to The ATF Roster and anyone in the "Firelord" and "Arkhon" ranks will be able to get you where you need to. If you need to talk to someone in ATF really quickly for some reason, I'd recommend Skillet (and his myriad alts) or Danerune (and his almost as numerous alts) as they're the two most readily available.

One of the things that I'd personally* like to see, since you're still kicking ideas around, is alternate ways to earn DKP. Obviously going on runs and killing bosses would be the primary way to earn DKP, but a lot of ATF in particular has pesky RL commitments and can't always make every run. I don't like the idea of them being "left behind" because their very real lives prevent them from going. Since I heard you mentioning the cost of flasks, perhaps points could be awarded for contributing materials and/or the flasks themselves and other needed consumables. So say for example Sam couldn't make it to Saturday's run, rather than him falling behind every druid on the run he has the option to donate the materials for X flask of Y and earn, maybe not the same DKP, but some of it so he's still in the midst of things. Just trying to think of some members who are not as...shall we say...flexible in their schedule as people like myself.

Anyway, welcome to the boards...and don't mind the trolls.

* - personally, as in these ideas do not represent all the officers or ATF

"But there's no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake"
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