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Old 07-30-2006, 07:33 AM   #16
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Re: Not trying to copy E U but...

Samanda, I dont even know who Protec's character is but as I have said before, the officers have thrown that whole idea out the window because it is very unrealistic. If ATF and WH can do MC together, then that is awesome but it doesnt hurt to be familiar with the content so you do not end up wasting whole nights wiping on bosses.

Here is a little FAQ:
Q: Ardamir, will we need to pay 300g to go on these MC runs?
A: No.

Q: So we do not need to pay 300g?
A: Correct.

Q: If I had 300g could I buy a spot on this raid?
A: No, the spots on this raid will be occupied by members who have honored their side of an agreement between the two guilds.

Q: 300g is alot of gold ya know.
A: This is true but you are not going to be paying 300g if you do not want to.

Q: What do we need to do to go on these raids?
A: That is entirely up to you guys, you name the terms and hopefully Sleep will accept.

Q: What type of loot can we get?
A: Again, that depends on the terms of the agreement that you guys make.

Q: What are the terms of this agreement?
A: There are none until ATF makes them and Sleep accepts.

Q: Again, do I need to pay 300g?
A: No!

Samanda: Is your GM a crack addict?
A: Yes.
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