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Old 11-30-2011, 05:40 AM   #21
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Re: SW:TOR Pre-order

I wasn't really planning to consider buying until after Jan 1st due to being on vacation Dec 22nd - Jan 1st (lot of wasted game time for first free month). However, I'll bite the bullet and pre-order if it will make the ATF deal happen. I'll do it after there are 3 more who will commit to make it a done deal. Dane was saying last night that he will probably go ahead and get it, so that's probably 1. Find 2 more and I'll see about making that 4th happen.

Besides, appears pre-orders get a 5-day head start before 20th launch, so I could have almost a week to play before vacation.

EDIT: Or maybe I'm just confused what this is for, Gryph. Can people who already pre-ordered take care of those spots? Some have already pre-ordered, like Skillet. I'm so confused. -.-

EDIT2: Nevermind, I see it's just to get the guild going ahead of time, more or less. I assume the other people who have already pre-ordered can take care of this. I'm still probably waiting. Being such a late pre-order if I was to do it now, I probably would only get like a 1 day head start as they're spacing out how early people start based on when they pre-ordered. I'm sure people who did way back will get the 5 days. People now... not so much.

Last edited by Swad; 11-30-2011 at 05:53 AM.
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