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Old 12-19-2011, 03:19 AM   #44
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Re: SW:TOR Pre-order

Things are very chaotic with the queues at the moment, and a big question mark is what BioWare is going to do about it. Jung Ma is, sadly, far from the worst server for queues in the game; some servers have queue times in the 5-6 hour range (I like playing with you all, but yeah...not that offense ).

It's hard to decide because while CDL gives us people to work with, the queues make it unpleasant on those days that the Internet just sucks. Imagine if we let Skillet tank, he d/c's (like Skillet always does when the hamsters get tired) and it's a 45 minute wait in whatever we're doing just for the queue, and 45 minutes again every time he disconnects while waiting.

Shien has been ok so far, but what surge will we see after Christmas? I'm not thinking the 20th will be a HUGE surge; most people who get the game on launch day are likely pre-orders anyway.

Swad might be friends with other folks, but is that a party we can crash? Seemed like they were RL friends and we know how Swad is ashamed of us; he just sticks around for Fate's cookies. So forth and so on...

We do need to decide though, and thanks Gryph for pinging CDL so we can try to coordinate.
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